






6.SAT作文求例子几个 要英文的 谢谢!!












       Owen once said, the pursuit of happiness is behind all human endeavor. This

       means, whether you are studying hard so as to go to Harvard, or working hard in

       order to buy a house, you just want to be happy. The pursuit of happiness is the

       ultimate reason behind everything we do.

       Many people consider wealth and fame the main reason behind people’s

       endeavor. If you have money, you can live an extravagant life. If you have fame,

       you can be influential and popular. However, in my opinion, people work hard in

       order to realize their personal value.

       Some say people work hard in order to achieve wealth and fame, if they became

       rich and famous, everything would be worth it. Others say people work hard so as

       to be useful to the society. They consider contribution the most important

       thing. What is actually the ultimate reason behind what we do then? In my

       opinion, it is the pursuit of happiness.



       1). 故事的意义

       2). 文章的主旨

       3). 某某故事是个好例子



       2)大背景-对立面(1,2,3)-but-主人公怎么做- 最后结果。



       It is a neutral position that helps us make a better judgment.

       Sometimes, standing on a neutral position does make us wiser.

       Only when we are standing on a neutral position can we make an unbiased


       Unless you are standing on a neutral position, your judgment would be


       One would never be able to see a clear picture of something until he no

       longer holds a stake in it.

       Once you step out of something, your understanding of it could be much


       When you hold a stake in something, can you still expect yourself to make an

       unbiased judgment? Of course not!

       How can somebody make an unbiased judgment about something if he holds a

       stake in it?

       If one holds a stake in something, he would never be able to make an unbiased



       1). 观点中和,小于等于2句

       2). But 重申全文观点

       3). 重申分论点观点

       4). 抒情

       5). 拔高




       Just do it

       Couldn’t you do sth?

       Shouldn’t you do sth?

       Why don’t you do sth?

       Why not do sth?

       How about doing sth?

       What about doing sth?

       How does… sound?

       Wouldn’t it be better if…?




       SAT作文写作时间为25分钟,要求就作文命题中的一对对立论点阐述自己的观点,无字数限制。 SAT作文考察的是你在短时间内表达、展开观点的能力,你需要有逻辑地、准确地组织自己的思想。 拿到试卷,最重要的是仔细读懂所提供的引文(the passage),然后仔细看题(the assignment)。一定要按照题目规定选择其中一个观点进行阐述,偏题的作文计分为零。因为SAT作文考察的并不是你的思想深度,在这么短时间内你也不可能达到深刻见解,所以,最有效的策略就是看完题之后马上选择那个你最熟悉的、你知道范例很多的观点,这个要在一分钟之内决定下来,然后,在下一分钟,你必须在大脑里或草稿纸上面写下一个简短的纲要,如下:







       写作前的两分钟过去后,我们开始正式起草,按照提纲一直写下去。一定要在15分钟的时间内完成初稿,而且一定要保证整篇文章的完整性(introduction, body & conclusion)。如果中途卡住了,想想我们课堂里教授的各种打开思路的策略,总有一款在这里适合。所以,一定不要慌,一直写下去。


       SAT作文考试得高分的关键在于平时多做timed practice(计时训练),再配合我们课堂里教授的各种写作环节的策略,作文部分拿高分不再是梦想。

       建议每天花15 mins看国外网站(,网站上的实时资讯、专题文章,有利于积累写作素材和事例。

       (二)Essay Structure





       Body (3段组成文章主体,每段80-100字)

       1、 Topic Sentence 句

       2、 Development,用论据支持TS

       3、 Examples

       Conclusion (1段结尾,50-80字)

       Signal Word + restatement

       Makeup 升华句




       面对这样的题目,我们必须自问两个问题:一,有否具备一个基本的知识面;二,有否具备深入思考一个命题的能力。这第二个能力,实际上和我前文提到的细化和深入的能力同出一源,即,这就是基本的学术素质。因之在大学的学习的实质是学术研究,是学习,思考和钻研的结合。因此,我重申,SAT写作不仅是对语言能力的考察,更是对学术基本素质的考察。理解到这一点,就更能明白为什么这个考试叫做Scholastic Assessment Test。



       第一,evidence。这个应该是全文最多也最明显的特征了,作者通篇大量机构和专家。比如第八段讲了Franklin Project的三位提出者并详细介绍了他们的身份和资历,这就是很清楚的ethos,建立可信度。让读者知道这个解决方案不是某个打酱油的拍脑袋提出的,而是专业人士苦心经营的。之后还多次引用这些人的话语(quotation),来为这个项目的可行性和有效性背书。已有官方范文中对于这种写作手法有非常成熟的案例,可以轻松套用。

       第二,reasoning。可以从全文或局部的行文思路切入。根据之前对文章的分析,第一部分提出问题,第二部分给出解决方案并分析利弊,第三部分重申主题。把作者的行文思路一层一层分析清楚即可。当然,此写法难度较大且比较耗时,所以我在课上就明确表示不推荐所有同学使用。感觉有压力的同学可以只分析局部或在后面的stylistic and persuasive elements里选两种来写。

       第三,stylistic and persuasive elements。这里花样比较多,我选几个讲。

       1、根据官方题目要求里给出的两种手段word choice和appeals to emotion,我会选择第九段来写,这一段里出现了一些含义较强的词语words

        with strong connotation,如a remarkable opportunity,asks a lot from a

       tiny few,we owe an enormous debt等。这些词突出了我们亏欠别人的太多,从而愈发衬托出Franklin

       Project的重要性。段落最后的tour after tour in Iraq and Afghanistan更能唤起人们的同情心,想到那些军人在危险之地一遍遍玩命,读者自然会为自己的自私感到愧疚。

       2、除了选择官方指定手段,我们也可以自由选择。所以还可以选最后一段的让步加反驳concession and rebuttal,因为这个feature太过明显,且已有的官方中有类似的写法存在,具备参考意义。




        The flying Frenchman set to smash round the world record They are calling him the Bob Beamon of sailing. And just like Beamon, who astonished the world with his record-breaking long-jump in 1968, the French sailor Francis Joyon is rewriting the nautical record books in an unprecedented fashion. Joyon, 47, is now in the final stages of an incredible voyage and on course to smash the existing non-stop solo round-the-world record by 20 days. Once he crosses the finish line off the Channel port of Brest on the morning of February 3, he will have completed one of the greatest feats of single-handed sailing in history. Just like Beamon, whose leap at the Mexico Olympics in 1968 broke the world record by an almost unbelievable 21in - which stood unbeaten until 1991 - Joyons expected time of 73 days for the 26,000-mile global course will have far exceeded what most thought possible for a solo sailor. Joyon set sail in November on an adventure some predicted would end in disaster. The father of four from La Trinit-sur-Mer in Brittany was undertaking the voyage in the 90ft trimaran IDEC, a boat of tremendous power with a huge rotating mast that had been built to be raced by a crew of up to ten. Many were worried that Joyon would end up exhausted and IDEC would simply flip over as she ran out of control in the Southern Ocean. Others predicted that Joyon would be unable to handle IDECs enormous sails or that the boat could lose her mast in the rough conditions that any round-the-world sailor inevitably would face. There were also all the usual dangers - collision with debris in the water, with ice around Antarctica or the possibility that Joyon would collide with a ship while sleeping. When he set off, the solo record stood at 93 days. Although Joyon was sailing a much faster boat than the previous record-holder, most saw little chance of him getting even close to 80 days. Joyon had other ideas and over the past 71 days he has enjoyed good fortune with the weather, rarely running out of wind. He has, however, also displayed extraordinary stamina, determination and seamanship in keeping IDEC running close to her full potential.



       Consider carefully the following quotation and the assignment below it. Then plan and write an essay that explains your ideas as persuasively as possible. Keep in mind that the support you provide—both reasons and examples—will help make your view convincing to the reader.

       “There’s no success like failure.”

       What is your view on the idea that success can begin with failure? In an essay, support your position using an example (or examples) from literature, the arts, history, current events, politics, science and technology, or from your personal experience or observation.

       Learning the lessons taught by failure is a sure route to success. (THESIS STATEMENT) The United States of America can be seen as a success that emerged from failure: by learning from the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, the founding fathers were able to create the Constitution, the document on which America is built. (BEST SUPPORTING EXAMPLE [1]) Google Inc., the popular Internet search engine, is another example of a success that arose from learning from failure, though in this case Google learned from the failures of its competitors. (NEXT BEST SUPPORTING EXAMPLE [2]) Another example that shows how success can arise from failure is the story of Rod Johnson, who started a recruiting firm that arose from Johnson’s personal experience of being laid off. (NEXT BEST SUPPORTING EXAMPLE [3])

        The United States, the first great democracy of the modern world, is also one of the best examples of a success achieved by studying and learning from earlier failures. (TOPIC SENTENCE FOR EXAMPLE 1) After just five years of living under the Articles of Confederation, which established the United States of America as a single country for the first time, the states realized that they needed a new document and a new more powerful government. In 1786, the Annapolis convention was convened. The result, three years later, was the Constitution, which created a more powerful central government while also maintaining the integrity of the states. By learning from the failure of the Articles, the founding fathers created the founding document of a country that has become both the most powerful country in the world and a beacon of democracy. (FOUR DEVELOPMENT SENTENCES TO SUPPORT EXAMPLE 1)

        Unlike the United States, which had its fair share of ups and downs over the years, the Internet search engine company, Google Inc., has suffered few setbacks since it went into business in the late 1990s. (TOPIC SENTENCE FOR EXAMPLE 2) Google has succeeded by studying the failures of other companies in order to help it innovate its technology and business model. Google identified and solved the problem of assessing the quality of search results by using the number of links pointing to a page as an indicator of the number of people who find the page valuable. Suddenly, Google’s search results became far more accurate and reliable than those from other companies, and now Google’s dominance in the field of Internet search is almost absolute. (THREE DEVELOPMENT SENTENCES TO SUPPORT EXAMPLE 2)

        The example of Rod Johnson’s success as an entrepreneur in the recruiting field also shows how effective learning from mistakes and failure can be. (TOPIC SENTENCE FOR EXAMPLE 3) Rather than accept his failure after being laid off, Johnson decided to study it. After a month of research, Johnson realized that his failure to find a new job resulted primarily from the inefficiency of the local job placement agencies, not from his own deficiencies. A month later, Johnson created Johnson Staffing to correct this weakness in the job placement sector. Today Johnson Staffing is the largest job placement agency in South Carolina, and is in the process of expanding into a national corporation. (FOUR DEVELOPMENT SENTENCES TO SUPPORT EXAMPLE 3)

        Failure is often seen as embarrassing, something to be denied and hidden. But as the examples of the U.S. Constitution , Google, and Rod Johnson prove, if an individual, organization, or even a nation is strong enough to face and study its failure, then that failure can become a powerful teacher. (THESIS STATEMENT REPHRASED IN BROADER WAY THAT PUSHES IT FURTHER) The examples of history and business demonstrate that failure can be the best catalyst of success, but only if people have the courage to face it head on.


SAT作文求例子几个 要英文的 谢谢!!


       要对原文展开合情合理修辞分析,掌握 critical reading(批判性地阅读能力)是关键,也就是要break the whole text down into several parts.

       简单来说就是要遵循3W 原则:

       What the author does?(作者说/写了什么?) 文章的中心思想是什么、作者是通过哪些分论点来支撑这一条中心思想的、每个论点之下又使用了哪些修辞技巧来support每一个分论点等等。

       Why he/she does it?(这样写的用意是什么?) 弄懂了文章的段落大意之后,我们要进一步思考作者这样写的目的是什么?即作者是如何通过这些手段达到说服读者的目的的?

       What effect this is likely to have on readers?(效果如何)有没有对读者产生影响?有没有达到作者想要说服读者的目的?


       Summary只是对原文信息观点的condensed paraphrase,即在不改变原文意思的情况下,换一种更加简洁、浓缩的表述方法来表达原文的意思。修辞分析是要用上述所说的3W原则去分析原文。我们一起来看两个例子,就很容易搞清楚这个问题了。

       例1:Summary(总结):Smith says global warming has negative effects and we should care about our world’s future.

       Rhetorical analysis(修辞分析):Smith provides multiple negative effects of global warming and punctuates his sentences with exclamation marks; thus, he uses quantitative descriptions and punctuation to create a sense of urgency in his readers to care about the planet’s status regarding global warming.


       1. The Last Leaf by O. Henry

       Johnsy is an inhabitant of an art colony in Greenwich Village, where pneumonia is taking its toll. Eventually, Johnsy is stricken with the disease and gives up all desire to live. Outside her window resides an old ivy vine on which only a few leaves remain. Convinced that she will die when the last leaf falls, Johnsy watches the vine incessantly. This morbid fascination distresses her big hearted neighbor Mr. Berhman, an old painter scraping by as an artist’s model and still dreaming of painting his masterpiece. Time passes, Johnsy remains fascinated by the withering vine. To her growing astonishment, a single last leaf remains attached firmly to the vine. Taking this as an embodiment of hope, Johnsy’s condition ameliorated. In the meantime, her neighbor contracts pneumonia and has been taken to hospital, where he later dies. It is later discovered that he had contracted the disease after staying up all night to paint the perfect image of a single leaf on the brick wall outside Johnsy’s window. (168字)


       2. Charles Schulz

       Charles Monroe Schulz is an American cartoonist, whose comic strip Peanuts is considered to be one of the most popular and influential in the history of the medium. Although Charles is a shy, timid teenager, he is steadfast and persistent. It is his self-defeating stubbornness and admirable perseverance in trying his best against all odds that made him a popular figure. He can never win a ballgame but continues to play baseball; he can never fly a kite successfully but continues to do so. Although his drawings were first rejected by his high school yearbook and then refused by Disney, he persevered and created the world renowned Charlie Brown and Snoopy, known as Peanut comic, which reflects his own life. Peanuts ran for 50 years, and, at its peak, appeared in more than 2,600 newspapers in 75 countries. (138字)


       Henry Ford

       Henry Ford, the American founder of the Ford Motor Company, had been stimulated by Thomas Edison in his youth and followed Thomas Edison’s career then. In 1896, while attending a company-sponsored convention in Manhattan Beach, New York, Henry Ford was introduced to the great inventor Thomas Edison. During their conversation, Edison asked the young Henry Ford a series of questions and when the conversation was over, Edison emphasized his satisfaction by banging his fist down on the table. "Young man," he said, "that's the thing! You have it!” To Henry Ford, as he later indicated, that bang on the table was worth worlds.

       After receiving the complete approval from Thomas Edison, Henry Ford strived to accomplish his invention of the cheap and convenient Model T. After further improvements, the price of Model T decreased from $850 to $225, a price that is affordable to most social classes. The design later revolutionized the transportation industry in America because prior to its introduction, cars were a form of luxury that is only affordable to the upper echelons. And in just 19 years after the first introduction, the sales of the Model T had reached an astounding 15,007,034, a record which stood for the next 45 years. (204字)

       5. Jack Welch

       Jack Welch was the former CEO of General Electric. He joined the company in 1960 and worked as a junior engineer. After a year at GE, he was displeased with the strict bureaucracy regarding pay rise which led to a mere $1000 increase in his salary after his first year. Welch, who then harbored thoughts of leaving the company, was convinced by Reuben Gutoff to stay. He then started questioning the decisions made by the authorities and moved up the ranks quickly. When he became the CEO of GE in 1981, he worked to streamline the company by trimming inventories and dismantling the bureaucracy that almost led him to leave the company. Each year, he would fire the bottom 10% of his managers, while rewarding the top 20% with bonuses and stock options. By pushing his managers to perform, the perennial problem with regards to perceived inefficiency was effectively eradicated. When Welch left GE, the company had gone from a market value of $14 billion to more than $410 billion at the end of 2004, making it the most valuable and largest company in the world. (186字)

       6. Christopher Reeve

       Christopher Reeve was an American actor who is best known for his portrayal of the superhero Superman. However, unlike the man of steel he was in his movies, Reeve became quadriplegic after being thrown from a horse in an equestrian competition in 1995. As a result, he required a wheelchair and breathing apparatus for the rest of his life. Despite the setbacks, Reeve was reinvented by that experience and brought the kind of energy and enthusiasm that made him successful as a film star to an entirely different issue, with huge effect. He lobbied on behalf of people with spinal cord injuries for human embryonic stem cell research and established the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, a non-profit research organization which raises money for research in spinal cord injuries. Also, he lobbied for scientists to be allowed to conduct stem cell research in the hopes of eventually curing paralysis and other current incurable diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Through this, Reeve will be remembered as “Superman” not only in the movies, but also in reality. (175字)

       7. Franklin Roosevelt

       Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States who rose to prominence during the Great Depression. During that time, President Hebert Hoover’s economic program was unsatisfactory and ineffective and kept millions of people under poverty and hunger. In the midst of despair, Franklin Roosevelt, who had long been questioning Hoover’s economic program, was elected as the President to combat the economic crisis. He assembled a group of elites and constructed a more effective economic program called New Deal. The new program provided money and supplies to needy families and created jobs for the unemployed. As a result, President Roosevelt effectively rekindled hope to millions of despondent Americans. New Deal proved to be an important turning point in the history of America. It made a powerful start of a strong government role in the nation’s economic affairs that remained and developed to the present day. (146字)

       8. Bill Gates

       Bill Gates is an American business executive who served as the chairman of Microsoft Corporation, the leading computer software company in the United States. He cofounded Microsoft together with Paul Allen in 1975 and became the youngest ever self-made billionaire in 1987 at the age of 31. In the 1990s, Gates became more involved in philanthropy as he believed that there is more to be expected from a person like himself. In 1994, he sold some of his shares in Microsoft to create the William H. Gates Foundation. Then, in 2000, Gates and his wife combined three family foundations into one to create the world renowned Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which, ranked by assets, quickly became the largest foundation in the world. As of 2007, Gates and his wife were the second most generous philanthropist in America, having donated over $28billion USD to charity. (145字)

       9. Florence Nightingale

       Florence Nightingale was born in a rich, upper class, well-connected British family. Yet, she opposed the expected role for a woman of her status, which was to become a wife and mother. Her decision to become a nurse in 1844 infuriated her family members. Despite vehement disagreements, Nightingale’s determination did not waver. When the Crimean War broke out in 1854, Nightingale hoped that she could help ameliorate the situation and hence travelled to Turkey immediately. She devoted herself to nursing the injured soldiers and the situation gradually appeased. Six months later, the mortality rate at the hospital fell from 60% during her arrival to 2.2%. As a result, she became a prominent figure in England and became known as “The Lady with the Lamp” as a sign of respect. (129字)

       10. Oprah Winfrey

       Oprah Winfrey is an American television host who, according to some assessments, is the most influential woman in the world. She had a traumatic childhood and, in 1991, took her personal story of child abuse all the way to Capital Hill, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the National Child Protection Act, which advocated the establishment of a national database of convicted child abusers. “I am speaking out on behalf of the children who wish to be heard, but whose cries, wishes and hopes often, I believe, fall upon deaf or inattentive ears”, she said. The US Senate heard her moving plea loud and clear. With Winfrey’s support, the Act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1993. In 2008, she once again used her influence to call attention to the Combating Child Exploitation bill. On air, she urged her audience to contact their senators in favor of the bill. As a result, the senate offices were flooded with calls, emails and letters, and the bill was eventually signed into law. (176字)
