











Fudan University,located in Shanghai,China,is one of the oldest and most selective universities in China,and a member in the C9 League and Universitas 21.?


The ?central vice ministerial system, in the "211" and "985" project, named "Mount Everest project", "111" and "2011 plan".


Fudan University was founded in 1905, formerly known as Fudan University, is the first institution of higher learning Chinese independently, the founder of modern famous educator Chinese Ma, first manager Dr. Sun Zhongshan.?


Fudan developed into a distinguished private university renowned for developing lied skills in the fields of business, economics, news reporting, education, and civil engineering, with a complete program from middle school through graduate school.


School "Fudan" two words from "big Shang Yu Xia Zhuan" famous "moon Guanghua, Dan Fudan Xi", intended to China intellectuals was unremitting self-improvement, sustenance independent school, education of hope.?




近年来大学生就业难日益成为各级及社会各方面关注的焦点,媒体也广泛报道了大学生就业形势严峻,呼吁全社会共同努力。下面给大家分享一些大学生就业 英语 作文 100字,希望对大家有帮助。


In recent years, college studentsfind it increasingly difficult toget a job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent, well-educated phenomenon, aspirant and eager to bring their talent into full play. Then what underlies the strange phenomenon?

There are several reasons for this.To begin with, nowadays college students aim too high. All they want are “good” jobs which could offer good salary, comfortable working conditions, high social status among others. Consequently, most college students are unwilling to accept vacant jobs they consider not“good” enough. Another reason is thatthere is a big gap between the majors some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs. So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs.

Solution to the problem requiresefforts on both the society and the students. The companies should value the students, talent and knowledge while the latter should not merely aim at material gains. They should be down-to–earth in building up their career. Furthermore, they should face their weak points so as to improve themselves and be more competent.


More and more college students, in recent years, are finding it difficult to find jobs. This may sound strange since college students used to be the "most fored" people in society. They he received a higher education, hence they are more intelligent, knowledgeable than their counterparts who failed to attend college. But chances are that some of them can hardly find jobs after graduating from colleges.

There are two reasons that account for this strange phenomenon. One is that some college students cannot come to terms with themselves and with the world around them. They pursue too high goals and are too particular about such factors as working conditions, salary, and so on. Therefore, they are reluctant to accept the job when they are offered to them. Another reason is that the majors some students pursue do not match with the demands of the job market. As a result, they canonly sit and miss opportunities.

To solve this problem, I think college students should know their own strengths and weaknesses and he the right attitude towards themselves and the job vacancies. In addition, they should not attach too much importance to material aspects of the job. They should put priority to their future development and their contributions to society in stead. Furthermore, they should think of receiving some further training to meet the demands of society.


What's your foured job after your graduation? What's your career plan after working in a company? Both of the questions are related with university students' seeking jobs problems. It's very tough when confront with those questions. As a junior/senior student,I would love to say something as following:

A part of students are aim too high.They always want to find easy and comfortable jobs with high salary.But, they neglect they are just undergraduates who lack of real experience in a company. Aim too high but lack of real experience leads them to be frustrated:they can't find their suitable jobs and are not interested low-salary jobs. It's a real situation in our current society. The best solution is that our undergraduates should change their minds. The new minds is that to be capable before getting high salary.

There is also a issue should be pay attention to. Some advertisements say:"Only men ailable". That's gender discrimination which couldn't be occured in the modern society. With the development of our society,our women 's ability are also enhancing. Some women even can do some jobs which men couldn't do well. It' not easy to solve the gender discrimination.It needs our 's help, our should do some propaganda about gender eq equal and make some rules for the companies.


When we read newspapers, our attention is always attracted by increasing unemployment rate in young graduates who are leing college. In my opinion, there are many causes for this disquieting phenomenon and we should try to solve the problem.

Most companies would rather employ a low-educational specialized worker than a this-years graduate from a well-known university. For companies, they are more likely to choose the candidates with rich working experience. Apparently enough, the training for young graduates usually costs them a large quantity of time and money. In addition, the current education system brings on a lot of bookworms who are adept in theoretical but not practical knowledge. Therefore, it is hard for those graduates to complete the practical assignments successfully and smoothly. This is one major reason why many graduates find it to find suitable jobs.

An un-mandatory retirement age is another factor leading to the youth unemployment for college graduates. Along with the improving of working efficiency, proficient employees with rich and extensive working experience get retired at a much later age. In this case, for young graduates, there are fewer chances to get access to the jobs taken up by the older and more experienced.


Nowadays, the problem of college students' employment becoming more and more serious. About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graduation, while at current situation, about 30% of graduate students can’t find a job but stay at home after graduation.

Employment difficulty of college students is due to the following reasons. Among these, the increasing recruitment of colleges and universities plays a vital role. In addition, many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy.

Considering such a rough job market, I think it is high time that we took effective measures to solve the problem. Above all, college students should realize their own defects and further improve themselves to keep their competitive edge in society.

Moreover, colleges or universities should provide more trainings and internship opportunities before the students enter the society. Besides, college students should hold a right attitude towards jobs and set their job expectations at a suitable level.

Only through these ways can the college students find a satisfactory job and he a brighter future.

大学生就业英语作文100字相关 文章 :

★ 我的未来职业英语作文100字以上

★ 我的未来职业英语作文100字以上(2)

★ 大学生就业压力英文作文

★ 如何解决大学生就业难英语作文

★ 励志英语作文100字

★ 英语作文10篇100字带翻译

★ 英语作文范文100字及译文

★ 英语作文范文100字

★ 英语作文100字带翻译

★ 英语作文带翻译100字左右



It has been two years since I first got to university. Some of my classmates say that the college life is boring, because they he plenty of time but do not know what to do.?


However, from my point of view, the campus life in college is interesting and colorful as long as you make it meaningful.


In the first semester in college, I didn't relax and I still worked hard as I was in the senior school. I usually spent two hours in study at night and I went to the classroom forautonomous learning.


But the difference is that I he many extracurricular activities. For example, I went to the English Corner regularly on Tuesday night, in which I could practice my spoken English and make friends with common interests.


Besides, I join the Student Union of my department. In the Student Union, I he a group of workmates who work hard together and support to each other.?


Actually, it looks like a big, warm family that we can share our lives together. During various activities, I realize the importance of team spirit that helps us go further.


Finally, college is great stage to improve a student and show one's abilities. In college, I know more about our society and get more channels to explore the outside world. I realize that I am not only a student but also an adult who is preparing to step into the society.


In short, I cherish my life in college campus and I will try hard to make it colorful as well as meaningful.




Time flies.It is so fast that my first term in the university was over.

I really had a good time this year.I met a lot new friends.They were all very nice.I enjoyed hing class with them and playing with them.They are all my good friends and I will treasure our friendship forever.

During this term,I also met some problem.I can't get into the way of university life at first.But,luckly with the help of the teacher and friends ,I overcame many daily problem ,and up to today I can austomed the life here.So I really reciated them very much.I am looking forward to the next ing term.



I got up at 7 o 'clock in the morning, after washing gargle eats breakfast, 8 a.m., went to school to study. I like English lessons, learning English for me is kind of fun and later want to engage in English.

My English teacher is a patient teacher, so I learned many valuable knowledge. Night written some homework, 9 to go to sleep.

This is one of my day, although lead isn't very strain of a day, but I he it enrich is very hy.




谁能帮我写一篇600字的英语作文题目是 get ready to be a manager 谢谢


Here's a list of Ten Top Tips:

(M) Consult, consult, consult.


(A) You are managing people, not projects or product development or customer service or any other departmental mission. People are plicated and messy. They aren't machines any more than you are; they won't be the same every day, no matter how much you'd like them to be. So stay alert to what's going on with them.

?(K) For the first couple of days, sit down and get to know your staff. Find out what they do, what their goals are, what they like to do in their free time, etc. Several years ago, I watched a new manager start with a pany and for the first month or so, didn't talk to any of his staff. A month later, he wondered why people were handing in their o week notices.

Get to know your staff!!

(R) Learn how to deal with problem or resentful employees. I was promoted into my position over a longer-term employee. She was made my assistant. (Before everyone raises the i *** issue, I was the ONLY male manager and was promoted on performance.) She had a great deal of resentment and worked against me at every turn. After floundering around for a while, I finally took her into the office and calmly explained the facts of life to her, that I was the manager and if she couldn't work with me one of us would be leing and it wouldn't be me. She straightened out after that and we eventually developed a good relationship.

Avoid re-inventing the wheel. Everything doesn't require your unique hand-print. Some things probably work just fine already. Also don't think or act like you know everything, nothing breeds resentment more than arrogance. You may be *** art, but there's always someone *** arter.

?(MC) You are responsible for everything that hens in your scope of authority. Don't ever think that just because you may not be doing the actual work, you are not responsible---you *are*. Unless you are fortable with this basic fact, management is *not* for you.

The rewards e at a price. You will he to make decisions that will benefit the pany as well as your staff....and quite often they are in direct conflict with each other. (You cannot be all things to all people....)

You do he a right to be human. Just because you are now management, does not mean that you can (or should) throw emotion out the window.

Laugh with your people....let them know that you are not a humorless troll.

Be honest with your people...you expect the same from them. Even if it's bad news, honesty does help lessen the blow.

Defend your people! They will reward you with their loyalty.

Here are some things that make you a better manager:

As a person:

?You he confidence in yourself and your abilities. You are hy with who you are, but you are still learning and getting better.

?You are something of an extrovert. You don’t he to be the life of the party, but you can’t be a wallflower. Management is a people skill - it’s not the job for someone who doesn’t enjoy people.

?You are honest and straight forward. Your suess depends heily on the trust of others.

?You are an includer not an excluder. You bring others into what you do. You don’t exclude other because they lack certain attributes.

?You he a ‘presence’. Managers must lead. Effective leaders he a quality about them that makes people notice when they enter a room.

On the job:

?You are consistent, but not rigid; dependable, but can change your mind. You make decisions, but easily aept input from others.

?You are a little bit crazy. You think out-of-the box. You try new things and if they fail, you admit the mistake, but don’t apologize for hing tried.

?You are not afraid to “do the math”. You make plans and schedules and work toward them.

?You are nimble and can change plans quickly, but you are not flighty.

?You see information as a tool to be used, not as power to be hoarded.

Take a look at yourself against this list. Find the places where you can improve and then get going. And , if you need help, remember that's what this site is all about - Helping new managers get started and experienced managers get better





















My friend

I he a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a *** all mouth, a *** all nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening.

She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school.

She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much.

作文二: My Friend

My friend Jane is a pretty and cute girl. She has a pair of big and bright eyes, which seem as if they can speak. Under her *** all lovely nose,there is a little naughty mouth. Her hair is straight and long, hanging down to her shoulders. In one word, she is a healthy girl. She is the best student in her class. She always gets full marks in the exams. What's more, she can play the piano, and she sings and dances well. In every New Year's party,she plays the piano and sings sweet songs for her clas *** ates. Everybody loves her very much.

作文三: My Good Friend

My good friend is Mei. She’s a girl. She is my clas *** ate.

Mei is tall and thin. She has o big eyes and long hair. She likes listening to music and reading books. Sometimes we listen to music together. She likes summer. Because she can swim in the summer holiday. She likes pink and white. She is in Class Four, Grade Six with me. She usually goes to school by motor cycle. Sometimes she goes to school on foot. We often go shopping together on the weekend.

We will be good friends forever.


Caring About Our Environment

My hometown used to be a beautiful place. Thick trees and grass could be seen everywhere. In order to build houses and grow more crops, people cut down more and more trees.

As time went on, the whole forest was almost destroyed. Gradually, the green hills he changed into wasteland. As a result, sandstorms struck the area now and then, from which we suffered a lot.

We do need development, but we need well-protected environment, too. So I do hope all the people should realize the terrible result of not caring about our environment. What's more, we should take good care of the forests and plant more trees instead of cutting them down so as to improve our living conditions.

It is important to find a better way to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be treated properly. Otherwise it may cause a lot of problems. It may pollute the air and water. The polluted air and water are so harmful that they may make people ill.

Our city has begun to pay attention to the problem. As far as I know, some rubbish is sorted and taken away to different factories. Some rubbish, such as old newspapers and glass, is recycled. Waste air is cleaned before it goes into the air and waste water is treated before it is poured into rivers。

In my opinion, to improve the environment, the should pass laws to prevent people from throwing rubbish everywhere. Each of us should try our best to look after the environment and fight against pollution.










My college life

As a sophomore, I am feeling the time flies. Recalling about the past one year, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. At this time, I just can’t tell my real idea. The memory is just like so fresh, and all the things hened yesterday!

When first day I came to University, I really feel that the school is very good, but at the first sight of the dormitory, something disointing come up to me! The condition of the dormitory is really very poor with only one room, no latory! I saw something sad in my father’s eyes, maybe that time he thought of the poor condition! So with a big smile on my face, I told my father” it doesn’t matter, Dad. In this kind of condition, I will get myself better!” My father felt better. But when he was coming back, seeing his back, I just wanted to cry! I felt in this city I was just isolated, from that time, I said to myself, “ you he no others who can help you here, just depend on yourself”

And then I came to my dormitory 303. I considered that I would spend four years here (in fact I moved to another one year later) and my dorm mates are all there. Most of them came from Sichuan and they were chatting with a hy voice, but I can’t understand them! Again, I felt myself isolated! I hated that kind of feeling, and then I said to hello to them! To my surprise they are very friendly to me and warm-hearted! I no longer felt afraid. And I got along well with them. But at the first night here, I burst out to tears for that I was missing my family. I don’t know why. Everyday when I was at home, I was just eager to go to school, to experience the wonderful college life but when coming here, I am just eager to go back! It’s quite strange though, you must know this kind of feeling!



关于爱的大学英语作文:Love Needs No Reason

 For a long time,I he been seeking an answer to this:What is love and what do people want to get from love?

 Once I, together with several classmates, visited a teacher who enjoyed a perfect marriage. We just wanted to know the reason for their mutual affection. The teacher smiled and said:"In fact, neither of us is perfect. It is love that brings us courage and determination to seek each other's perfection. But day by day, we were surprised to see the imperfect side. Consequently,we decided to stand out the crisis." I was so touched by his words. Although it was raining heily outside when we left his home, I could not help feeling excited.

 It was a wonderful experience, just like someone groping in the darkness suddenly catching sight of a light far away.

 My parents he been sharing their time for two decades,but I never saw them quarrelling. Curious, I seized an opportunity to ask my mother. She was knitting a sweater at that moment while the rest of my family members were watching TV.When asked, she somehow flushed in the face. "Ask your Dad",she said. I went to my father and raised the same question. To my surprise , my father, who was always awesome, felt embarrassed and replied in the same way:"ask your Mom."

 The difference between the answers made by the teacher and my parents totally confused me. After entering the large gardennamed "love", I was so amazed to discover that each flower was getting off her unique fragrance. I forgot what to do. I was lost.

 Perhaps, love really needs no reason. How can you ask a cactus: "Why do you choose the desert rather than fertile land?"How can you ask a fig: "Why do you prefer bearing fruits to blooming?" How can you ask arose, "How can you enjoy such a calm life in the greenhouse?"... What is known to us all is merely that once be loved, a cactus can bloom ever in a desert; a figcan bear fruits without blossoming; a rose can survive calmly anywhere. When love comes to you, nothing can be impossible.

 Are you still familiar with these feelings? You wake up at sunrise, you feel hy. You breathe the fresh air, you feel hy. You touch the lights sent by the sun, you feel hy. You walk on your way home, you see a sparrow, you wander in the garden... Hiness follows you everywhere. And you know,all of these were just because a fascinating smile given by him/her.

 Do you still remember your first lover? We met, knew,liked, loved but at last broke up. We cannot forget the words,"I love you", "I hate you" , "forget me" and maybe someday"how are you?" , "sorry", "thank you". If God is kind enough to make you meet again, what will you say? Perhaps only the simple words above. And I think we'll say nothing but smiling.We are so grateful for what time gets us to know Love needs no reason.

 简 评



关于爱的大学英语作文:The Way Love Change

 I searched in memory and at last found myself surprised at what was brought back. Here is what I used to be. Once, I was simply a creature of schedules. That means I was so well planned a girl that I was entirely loyal to everything arranged.Every day you caught me as busy as a diligent ant and it was true that I actually enjoy the full and colorful life led which in other's eyes was utterly a dull and routine mode. I would not make any compromises to change the plans plans about study, plans about future, and plans about love.

 To some degree, I deliberately oided being hit by the current of love for fear that it might destroy my perfectly planned life. I did not expect its arrival. I didn't expect its power so magic and influential. And I certainly didn't expect its coming accompanied with the purest feelings of blessing.

 Tall, straight and shining that is my boyfriend. That was the way he came to me: "How do you do? We are from the same high school. I am two grades senior,do you know?" He greeted me in a confident and gentle manner, and his hairstyle impressed me deeply.

 Later on, the life pattern which I strictly stick to has been gradually affected by his moving behiors. None of a day will I find him absent from waiting outside my dorm to pick me up to classroom. None of a night will end without our heated and joyful chat. Gradually, I was incredibly thrown to cultivate a fresh view on the surroundings which didn't seem as burdening as expetted. I began to adjust myself to enjoy the peaceful pace of life.

 And so it goes, the sweet, joyful and romantic freshman year, a year with love that changed my way to live.

 简 评




关于爱的大学英语作文:A Road of Love and Memory

 It's just an ordinary road, nearly the same as every other one in the campus, if not narrower or shorter.

 Lined with tall parasol trees at both sides, the path is neat and quiet. On one end of it stands the Maths Building, which is already time worn, but still in good shape and eye catching because of its delicate design. The building dates back to 1960's,which adds to an atmosphere of art and culture. The house on the other end is much more modern. It has an European style,with smaller structures and brighter colors of walls, which gives you a feeling of vigor and youth. The two buildings, and the path, and the lawn surrounding the path, exist in harmony, and form a beautiful picture.

 But in fact, it's not the natural beauty of the road that at tracts me so much. It's the romantic story of it that catches my fancy. It is said that several years ago, a romantic film was shot here right on the road. It goes like this, a boy and a girl are walking sweetly on the road one night. The boy gives the girl a bottle of perfume as a present to show his love and care for her.And that's just the girl's forite. The girl thanks the boy shyly and sweetly with bright colors on her face. So the boy is intoxicated and encourages his pretty girl to try the perfume right now. The girl gives him a sweet smile, looking into his eyes with deep affection. "Dear, I know the most beautiful way to sprinkle the perfume", says the girl, "so close your eyes, and I will show you the magic." The boy follows, and closes his eyes,smiling in sweet expectation. The girl raises the perfume high in the air as high as she can make. Then she sprinkles gently several drops of the perfume. The boy smells the scent and opens his eyes. He sees his princess dancing so gracefully in a circle with the perfume high in her hands. She sprinkles the perfume as she dances. Tiny drops of perfume also dances in the cool night air. Scent of it spreads, and flows, surrounding and embracing the dancing girl, who looks so beautiful just as if she were a pretty and glorious angel dancing from the paradise above! The boy stares at his little beauty in excitement and doesn't know what to do. Then his hands are held gently by the girl. And he is led into the "Perfume Rain." What a perfect magic. Two lovers walk hand in hand, immersed in the air of perfume. And drops of the scent fall and lie on their hair, their shoulders, clothes, and hearts. Their love is purified and deep ened in the magic "perfume rain". Thus the road gets another name "perfume path", also a name of magic that always brings us imagination of love and romance.

 That's how the road gains its special beauty. And that's why I call it "a road of love". But not long ago, it played completely different role in the university life. Then it became "a road of memory", at least to me.

 That was the second day of the death of our famous head master Su, Buqing. When I went running one morning to the XiangHui Hall, I was hit by a special scene. Hundreds of paper cranes are hanging on the trees along the sides of the road, white and yellow, all delicately hand made, fluttering in the wind. Among them there were also small notes with words that expressed our love and respect for the headmaster. I was deeply moved. In my eyes, the road had never been as beautiful as it was that very morning. And my affection for it has since deepened a lot.

 I love walking along the road, as it's really nice to he a road of love and memory in the campus.

 简 评






 英语短文写作是运用语言的尖端高级表达方式,英语短文表达地道流畅、正确透彻地表达观点。下面是我带来的英语短篇 文章 赏析,欢迎阅读!


 Things My 25-Year-Old Self Would Like to Tell Me on My 50th Birthday**


 Don't try so hard to be respectable. Speak from your heart about what you truly believe, even if it makes you look na?ve or sentimental.


 You can radically change your life when/if you need to. You don't need to keep doing what you he been doing, just because you are in the habit of doing it.


 Being friendly and open to meeting new people in random places can lead to cool adventures and friendships. Don't get too comfortable in your present circles of acquaintances.


 You need way less money than you think to survive, stop obsessing about it, and just spend less.


 It's OK not to know what you want to do for the rest of your life. Lee space for the completely unexpected to hen.


 God loves you even more because you are a bit of a freak. Don't hide your light under a button-down bushel.


 Lee your door without any purpose once in a while and see where the city takes you. Don't just stay on the path between your apartment, work and the gym.


 Hang out with your long-time friends more and contact those with whom you he lost touch. You don't seem to he as many friends as you used to.


 Ambition is overrated. Stop trying so hard to be "successful."


 It's a good thing to believe that a utopian society where everyone is treated with dignity and equality is possible and worth working for. Cynicism doesn't make you intelligent -- it just makes you cynical.


 Create art every once in a while. Even though you aren't particularly talented and nobody really loved your 'nude portrait under autumn lees' the creative process is good for your soul.


 The next time you hear yourself reminiscing about how you "used to do something," make a plan to do it. Studying dance, carving pumpkins for Halloween, and doing improv shouldn't all be thought of in the past tense.

 下一次你再回忆起当年?做什么事?的时候,制定一个重新开始的吧。学跳舞、刻 万圣节 南瓜、即兴表演都不应该存在于过去式中。

 Don't just give money, go volunteer somewhere so you can he direct interactions with people. Your life is too antiseptic and it is making you a bit boring.


 You should be so crazy thankful that you found love with Brad. You spent a lot of time very lonely, never thinking you would find such an amazing guy. Don't let a day go by without remembering how fortunate you are.


 Try a new sport! The routine of cardio and weights just to look decent is getting old. You were an athlete! Get back into swimming and sign up for the race across the East River or take up boxing.

 尝试新的运动!有氧运动和举哑铃的惯例已经老套了。你以前可是运动员!重新开始 游泳 ,报名跨河跑步比赛,或是学学 拳击 吧。

 When did you become such a preppy bore? You used to not be afraid to stand out and it wouldn't kill you to wear something a bit more fashion-forward once in a while.


 Your parents were there for you, even when you were going through rough times and, frankly, a bit of a brat. They need you now. You will never regret the time you spend with them.


 Find ways to be alone in the woods or on the water by yourself. Don't forget how much you value solitude in nature.


 Find a group that has been formed within the last five years and buy a new CD.


 Stop beating yourself up about mistakes that you he made. It's good to be self-critical, but you need to be compassionate as well.


 If you can be a parent to a child of your own then do it! You've always wanted to he a family. If that doesn't work out, be the best uncle to your nephews and nieces. They make you so proud.


 Value every day you he. At 25 I never thought you would live to be 50. Celebrate your life.




 Outside of Huilongguan subway station, Beijing, is a small shop called Mr Food that sells vegetables and meat. Many people who live in this most populous residential community stop by Mr Food to pickup groceries ordered online.


 Surprisingly, the shop?s founders are three 28-year-old sociology graduates from Renmin University of China. Instead of founding a business related to their major, they founded one that addresses a market need.

 令人惊讶的是,这家店的创始人是三个28岁的年青人,他们都 毕业 于中国人民大学社会学专业。他们并没有选择与自己专业相关的领域创业,而是依照市场需求起家。

 Career shift


 Ren Mu, one of Mr Food?s founders, has worked as a public relations specialist at a Beijing-based company before setting up the new business. As a PR consultant, he often rode the subway to and from work. After pulling himself from the crowd at Huilongguan station, he often felt lonely and exhausted, missing the feeling of home-cooked meals prepared by his mother.


 ?After moving from Shandong to Beijing, the only inconvenience I ever felt was when I was deciding what to he for dinner,? he said. He?d often eat at a small restaurant nearby, but the food often didn?t taste good and was unsanitary. So, he decided to start selling his own ingredients.


 Researching success


 He came up with the idea for this new startup after a lot of trial and error. ?I made several startup attempts, but none of them worked because of a lack of market research,? he said. So when he discussed this business idea with his partners. They made market research their first step.

 在形成最终创意之前,任牧也有过很多失败的尝试。他说,?我曾几次尝试创业,但都因为缺乏市场调研而失败了。?所以当他与几位合伙人讨论这次的想法时,他们首先进行了 市场调查 。

 For an entire week, Ren went to Xinfadi, Beijing?s biggest wholesale market for meat and vegetables, on a daily basis. ?I wrote down the price of dozens of vegetables, while my two partners took note of prices at supermarkets and vegetable vendors,? he said. They compared their findings in order to make sure they put their groceries at the right price point.


 ?The profit margin when selling vegetables is about 100 percent. Make it simple, if a vegetable is sold at 1 yuan per 500 g at Xinfadi, then it can be sold at 2 yuan per 500 g in the supermarket, and 3 to 4 yuan at vegetable vendors in residential areas,? he said.


 Targeted service


 However, Ren and his partners faced another challenge ? how they could compete with other vegetable vendors. They took aim at office workers, who want to eat healthy food yet he little time to actually cook.


 ?We do all the preparation for them, cutting vegetables and meat to ready-to-cook form,? Ren said. ?If they don?t know how to cook and what to put in the dish, we even he packed vegetables and meat for certain dishes.?


 Now with a concrete business idea and solid market research under their belt, Ren and his partners opened their first store in March and second chain store in April. In total, they he attracted thousands of frequent customers and over 10 million yuan from angel investors.



 Life Comes in a Package


 Life comes in a package. This package includes hiness and sorrow,failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to handle various situations.


 Love. Love plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted.Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right andwrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and hing kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings.Kids make a person responsibleand mature and help us to understand life better.


 Hiness and Sorrow. Materialistic hiness is short-lived, but hiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment.Peace of mind is the main link to hiness. No mind is hy without peace. We realize the true worth of hiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things are temporary and pass away.


 Failure and Success. Failure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money,fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our head on out shoulder. The only way to show our gratitude to god for bestowing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectful to the less fortunate ones.


 Hope and Despair. Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day. Nothing remains the same we he only one choice keep moving on in life and be hopeful.


 Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.



自我介绍 就是把自己的一些称呼、 爱好 等介绍给别人,让别人在简短的介绍后有所了解,这也是拉近距离的方式,那么你知道用英语怎么自我介绍吗?下面给大家分享一些关于大学生英语自我介绍 范文 5篇,希望对大家有所帮助。








Good morning, my name is jack, which is indeed a great honor to he the opportunity to interview, I would like to answer you may increase and I hope I can become a good performance today, the final register for the prestigious The University in September. Now I will briefly introduce myself, I am 21 years old, born in Heilongjiang Province, northeast of China, I curruently senior students in Beijing are mainly two uni.my packaging engineering.and I received my bachelor's degree, I graduated june.in the past four years, I spent most of my time to learn, I he been through CET4 / 6, so as to alleviate. I he a basic knowledge of the packaging and publication in the theory and practice.

In addition, I also took part in some of the packaging exhibition held in Beijing, which is our advantage here to learn, I he taken to visit a number of large factories and companies. Through these I he a profound understanding of the domestic packaging industry. Compared to developed countries, such as us, unfortunately, although we he made remarkable progress since 18, China's packaging industry is still underdeveloped, chaos and instability, which the staff in this regard The awkard. But I he full confidence in a brighter future, if only we can maintain the economic growth pace still.

I think you might be interested in the reasons for itch in accordance with the law, what is my plan during graduate study life, I he to tell you that my life-long pursuit of legal pursuit of the goal, I think I he a major packaging and I won "t give up If I can continue my master's degree, I will combine law with my education predecessor. I will work hard in the thesefields, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and on that basis I he many years of research department of p & P, my character ? I can not describe, but I know that I am very optimistic and self-confidence. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I do not lonely, I like to chat with my fellow students, almost all the talking, my forite Pastime is valleyball, playing cards or surf the Web. University through life, I learned how to balance learning and entertainment. By the way, I am an actor of our amazing drama club. I he a few glorious memory on stage. This is my pride.


I think that since the admission, the school has to comply with the rules and regulations, has a good ideological and moral quality, outstanding performance. He a strong collective sense of honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of practical work for things.

I thought the correct Chikunailao can he lofty ideals and great goals, the importance of personal moral cultivation, the adoption of a healthy life style, helpful, concerned about national affairs.

In school, I he been studying hard and assiduously, through systematic study and master a solid foundation of knowledge.

After school hours, I actively participated in physical training, enhance physical fitness, loves labor and actively participate in the school's cultural and sports activities, to participate in social practice, inherit and carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle, also participated in the school's literature and calligraphy Association , Enriching the after-school life, in all its aspects he been improved accordingly.

"Bao Jianfeng from Grounding out, plum blossom-to the bitter cold," I firmly believe that through continuous learning and efforts to become a ideals, morality, culture, and discipline of students, with outstanding achievements meet the challenge, for the community I am a lifetime contribution to the construction of the power.


I'm --X class of --X, common household's daughter, my parents is assistant, life is general, also because of this, there may be little genetic relationship, my personality is quite introverted.

This year in September, I come to guangzhou college, this is my first time to lee my parents give far door. See side come and go, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, cheerful talkative classmates,

I am deeply into his own character of pressure, although I didn't think that my character to he what not good.

Because introverted, I introduce myself in class sound when very small, so that his classmates don't know me, Because introverted, I dare not and not too familiar classmate say hello, so I often come alone walking alone, Because introverted, I dared not participate in those who he an interview activity that I've lost self-exercise opportunities. I even worried, I later how to oain employment? How to recommend myself?

There is no matter that can't be solved, also did not cross over the candy. The formation of character is accumulated, to solve it is never hen overnight, I must be patient. The university is a self-training, improve your own platform, there is a lot of classmates, for me an outside resident students, now turned into inside the resident students, should be a very good character training opportunities.

Let the past be the past, let now compose the future. University is the life of another a start, wish all of us as a freshman students can round their beautiful university dream, fulfillment metamorphosis.


hello.everyone.it is really good to see you here.i am.....,come from china.this is my first time to this beautiful country ,,i am so delighted to he the opportunity to be here with you guys .i just finished my study in high school ,and i would like to further my study here.but my english is not that good ,i need your help .anyway ,i hope we can enjoy ourselves being together .thank you

General Introduction

I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to ly for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.

Education background

In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.

At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excel lent Graduation Thesis.

Research experience and academic activity

When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.


My name is --x from beautiful "jiangbei city"-liaocheng. Now study in hometown of Confucius-qufu normal university. My personality stable, also do not break again cheerful. Good at making friends, make more friends. My hobby is widespread: listen to music, photography, playing computer, of course, the most like or physical exercise,basketball, ping pong, football, and so on, this is why I choose the cause of professional sports.

Now in college, I want to in the university study hard, and actively participate in school activities and occasionally to doa part-time job. As for the future, after four years I may continue my professional, use professional knowledge to find work,perhaps I will choose my own business. In a word, I will use my hands and ability to create life without regret.

大学生英语自我介绍范文5篇相关 文章 :

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英语在中国是一门外语,所以 英语学习 主要是以课堂学习为主。我分享大一英语 文章 ,希望可以帮助大家!


 College is the time to try new things, meet new people, and he new experiences. The things is, it can all fall apart if you don?t he a clear idea of what you are getting into. Be sure to make the best of it with these tips for new college students.

 大学是尝试新事物、结交新朋友、经历新体验的时机。问题是如果你不清楚自己要做什么,这些机遇就会白白浪费掉。大学新生一定要好好用用下面的这几个 方法 。

 1. Go to class


 Oh, it will be so tempting to sleep in. After all, you?re a college student! You can do what you want, right? Well, you sure can if you want to scramble to make up for it later on. It is much easier to hold a GPA than to attempt to bring it up!


 2. Know what you can handle course-wise


 It is much better to finish a semester ?late? (who doesn?t these days?) than to he a nervous breakdown because of over-scheduling yourself. In the bigger picture, a few months or even a year does not make that much of a difference, unless you want to brag about how you finished school on time.


 3. Get involved


 You might be attending school in a different state, or even in your own state. Either way you can afford to expand your interests and meet new people. College is an easy way to make contacts and new friends!


 4. Make friends in your program who are ahead of you


 This way you might be able to borrow their old tests, notes and/or lab reports. This is not cheating, but using your resources and contacts wisely. Many sororities and fraternities he these resources ailable, some even in database form! You can trade off with this friend or do something nice like bake him/her cookies for their help.

 这样你就可能向借他们以前的测验、笔记和/或实验 报告 了。这不是,而是明智地使用你的和人脉。很多姐妹会和兄弟会都有这些,有一些甚至存在了数据库里!你可以和你的朋友交换下,或做一些像给他/她烤饼干这样的事情来感谢他们的帮助。

 5. On that note, consider joining a sorority or fraternity


 Yes, you he to go to social events. Yes, you might get categorized as a snob or fill-in-the-inropriate-name-blank, but you really can benefit from the social network and resources (such as old tests).


 6. Buy your books online or from a friend


 Holy cow, the universities make a boatload off of textbooks! Using one book for a semester (even with selling it back) can cost $100 plus! Many companies like Amazon sell textbooks cheaper than at universities and offer gift cards at a decent rate to sell them back.


 7. Keep in contact with your family


 Yes, you should make contacts and friends at college. This does not mean you should ignore your family who likely supports you, or encouraged you to get to where you are today. Give them a call, Skype them, send them a card, or do something during the semester to let them know you are thinking about them.

 是的,在大学里你应该和他人接触、交朋友。这并不是说你该忽视你的家人,你的家人会支持你或鼓励过你才让你有了今天。这个学期给他们打打电话,用Skype和他们通信,送给他们 贺卡 ,或做些什么事情来让他们知道你在想着他们。

 8. Keep in contact with old friends


 One of my biggest regrets in life was intentionally falling out of touch with high school friends. I had joined a group of people who convinced me that the only important thing was their group and if friends or family did not understand, they should be cut off. I missed out on so much, and now the stream of Facebook updates from my high school friends makes me sad.


 Sometimes something similar hens if you meet the man or woman ?of your life? who you can?t stand being away from. Break away and connect with the friends who he been there for you forever.

 有时如果你遇到了?生命中的那个人? ,而你又离不开他/她时,也会有相似的事情发生。和他/她分手,并和一直在那里支持你的朋友联系。

 9. Learn from mistakes


 If you do something stupid, learn from your mistakes. College is a time not only for learning about Chemistry and the correct way to cite a source, but for learning about life. Learning how to come back from mistakes is a big part of the college experience.

 如果你做了一些蠢事,从错误中学习。大学不仅仅是用来学习学科知识和如何去引经据典的,它还是学习生活的地方。学习如何从错误中走出来是大学 经验 的一大重要部分。

 10. Be silly


 You he a little bit of margin during this time to get away with crazy things and not look too foolish (hey, it?s college!) Use this time to go on adventures and do silly things that likely will be looked down upon later in life. This is also a great way to bond with your new friends.


 11. Be careful


 Yes, he new experiences. Yes, be silly. Do not do things that you know might endanger your life, health or self-image.


 12. Learn how to balance and prioritize


 Time management skills are completely necessary to explore all that college life has to offer. There will always be activities, social events, school events, trips, homework, and tests for which to study. Part of life is managing the time that we he, so my advice would be to learn this early on in your college career.

 去探索大学生活时, 时间管理 技巧是非常有必要的。总是有各种各样的活动、社交活动、学校活动、旅行、作业和测验。生活中的一部分就是管理我们所拥有的时间,我的建议是在开始大学生涯时尽早学习它。

 13. Learn about yourself


 Figure out what you want out of life. You don?t need to know right away, but be thinking about this as you experience new things, meet new people, and explore the world of knowledge.


大一英语文章:微信征服世界 Wechat Conquers the World

 Since the policy of Reform and Open in the last century, Chinese economy develops so rapidly. At the same time, the technology catches up with the world. The popular social communicational tool Wechat was created in China, but now it conquers the world and people is crazy about it.


 The reason why people like to use Wechat is that the functions are all-sided. Before Wechat, the most popular social communicational tool like facebook though is creative, it has to download another software to better communication. While for Wechat, everything is simple, you don?t need to download another software. What?s more, you can pay and he the webcam with your friends. The comment that your friends give to you is more private, only the common friends can share. As it is so convenient, people say that they can do everything with a smart phone at hand.


 Technology changes our life and people?s need promotes the improvement of technology. We use our wisdom and create the new things. We should be proud of us and show to the world that Chinese people are creative.


大一英语文章:为爱结婚 Marry For Love

 In the old China, when the girls and boys were 18, their parents started to make some plans for them to get marry. But in the modern time, the young people he the strong sense of independence, so they will not marry in the early age. Most parents feel worried and force their children to get married. Everybody should marry for love.


 Leftover women he been the common situation, it means there are more and more girls who are over 30 are still not married, the society laughed at them and disdain them. What?s more, most traditional parents feel shameful if their kids still not married over 30. So they arrange the blind date and hope their kids to get married as soon as possible, some parents even force the children to finish this big thing.


 It is obvious that divorce rate is increasing, most of them are young couples, they are young and reckless. Some couples married too quickly before they know each other well. The pressure from parents also part of the divorce. So don?t marry before you make sure, the true love worths to wait.



  学英语的意义 The Meaning of Learning English

 There is no dou that English is the most widely used language. In China, students he to learn it since they enter the primary school, even in some families, parents will hire tutors to help improve their children’s English level. The meaning of learning English is obvious.


 First, we need to keep pace with the time. When everybody is speaking English, if we don’t follow them, then we will be kicked out. Today, the world is globalized, people seek for cooperation, especially for the business. Mastering the English provides people chances to do the business and enlarge their business.


 Second, English as the mon language provides people the stage to understand each other. When I trel abroad, I like to talk to the local people. No matter which country I go, everybody admits to municate in English. We learn each other’s culture and talk hily. As I master English, I can go anywhere, munication is not the problem to stop me.


 As English is so important and practical, we should learn as much as we could, so as to make better preparation for our future.


最好的对手 The Best Rival

 Super Dan and his lifetime rival Lee Chongwei met in the olympic games again. They had been in the same situation twice and Super Dan won at last. Everybody kept their eyes on this big match, but this time, Lee defeated Lin Dan and all the people ge them their biggest lause.


 Lin Dan is the superstar in badminton, so as Lee. They are the best two badminton players all the time. When they met in the final match, the petition would be very intense. Lin Dan won the championship in the grand slam, while Lee only defeated Lin in the *** all game. Lee always lack of a grand slam to prove himself.


 In 2012, Lin Dan still defeated Lee and won the championship in London Olympic Games. Lee was very disointed but he decided to insist. Now both of them are not young anymore, and they met in the Rio olympic games. Lee defeated his lifetime rival Lin. No matter which won, everybody did not care about the result, they just enjoyed the big match.


 Lin and Lee are best rivals, and they get improved by peting with each other. They deserve the biggest lause.


美的定义 The Definition of Beauty

 Every year, there are different kinds of beauty pageants and the champions will be definitely the shinning stars. However, as time past, people he seen so many beauties and they start to he higher expectation. Beauty pageant is no longer the big event, and the audience laugh at the result and are picky about these champions. The real beauty should not be defined by earance.


 Recently, a beauty pageant was held in Michigan, America. The girl who was born in China won the champion and became Miss Michigan. It sounded like a great trip for her, but people were critical about her earance. They said that she was so ugly. However, if the audience had seen the petition, they must reciate her, because she was very *** art and elegant, which made her the shinning star.


 The definition of beauty is no longer judged from earance, and only the charm from inside can make a girl be attractive. Of course, wisdom is also in need, which makes a pretty face stand out, or people will forget it easily.

