
2.dear knowledgeabie,my best friend,mei ,has a problem。there is a really important English speech

3.An English Speech Contest (以一次英语演讲比赛为题,写一篇至少六句话的英语小作文)

4.最近要写一个topic是keeping fit的3~5min的English speech,希望能提供相关资料~范文亦可~希望高手帮助~






 (比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning,please switch off your cell phones,thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)

 X:Good evening ladies and gentlemen,welcome to Qingdao Huanghai College 20xxEnglish Speaking Competition.My name is Wang Ruixue,beside me is Wu Xuan you might recognize.She is co-host of big movements of our school.


 X:Well this Competition is organized by Qingdao Huanghai College and sponsored by -------- This Competition is undertaken by Foreign Language Department. In today's Grand Final,there 15 finalists;they are all the winners of the preliminaries.These contestants he given very impressive performances,So,we know that today will be a very rigorous competition.


 X:Firstly,let's introuduce today's honorable leader and judges and guests. I he the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Speech Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.xxx from...



 Y:Welcome. 今天来到比赛现场的还有来自各兄弟系部的参赛选手和观看比赛的同学们。我们以同样热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。

 X:Once again let's welcome all the teachers and students.Now Please welcome professor----------to give us a speech.


 X:Thank you ,professor------now let me introduce the regulations of this final.The Final consist of four parts, namely showing myself,prepared speech, impromptu speech, and questions and answers.


 X: In the first section each of the contestants will he 1-2 minutes to show themselves,they can show off their skills in singing,dancing or even Kongfu.Please show off everything that makes you shine above the rest.This section the full score is 5.


 X: In the second section each of the contestants will he 3-4 minutes to deliver a prepared speech. The topic for the prepared speech is “20xx” .This section the full score is 10.


 X:Each contestant will draw the topic of an impromptu speech 15 minutes before their performances. In the third section each of the finalists will he 2 minutes to deliver an impromptu speech. This section the full score is 5.


 X: And after that, two question masters in the judging panel will be responsible for raising questions to the contestant according to the prepared speech or the impromptu speech (one question master asks only one question). That will be around two minutes.This section the full score is 5.


 X: When the contestant’s time for each part is used up, a staff member will raise a yellow cardboard to remind the contestant of the time. The contestant must stop within 15 seconds, otherwise his or her timing score will be deducted. in the 1st section if the time is less than 1 minutes,or the prepared speech time is less than 3 minutes or the time for questions and answers is less than 1 minute 45 seconds, the contestant’s timing score will be deducted.


 X: The judging panel will give scores on the spot. In this round, after 3 contestants finish the speech, the score of the previous 3 contestants will be announced together. After all the finalists finish the speech, the scores of all the speakers will be announced.


 X: The places of the contestants will be arranged according to the scores.



 张:1、Ladies and gentlemen,(合)good morning.



 张:With the winter and beautiful dream

 We are here, enjoy English bring our passion and joy.


 毋:In this stage, let us show ourselves, wing passion, flying dream

 张:2、Speaking is a good way to learn English. Today we are here to speak, to show, to learn. I hope we’ll show our best.

 毋: 说是学习英语的好方法。我们今天在相聚在一起。希望大家都能展示出最好的自己。

 3、Next, let’s begin our English Speech Contest of No.3 Primary School.

 张: 下面我宣布灵宝市第三小学英语演讲赛现在开始!

 4、First allow me to introduce the judges. They are ....


 张:5、Before we start our contest, I would like to introduce the rules....

 毋: 比赛之前,让我们一起来了解比赛规则

 First, the speech content must be active and meaningful.


 Second, correct and fluent pronunciation, loud and clear voice. .


 Third, suitable body languages, to make the performance attractive.


 Fourth, decent earance to show a good looking..


 Fifth, Exact time. Not too long or too short.


 毋:6、Now let's warmly welcome contestant Number 1....

 张: 下面让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎一号选手。。。上场

 (Thank you for your excellent performance.)

 Now let's warmly welcome contestant Number 2....

 Now let's warmly welcome contestant Number3....

 张:Let’s he a rest. Do our wonderful English rhyme.






 毋:Now let's warmly welcome contestant Number 456789

 张:7、Let’s he a rest. Play an English game。and wait for the final results.


 8、After our judges` discussion, the exciting moment is coming.

 (1)First, I would like to announce the third winners:


 welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize,请获奖者到台前领奖。

 (2)The second winner is : 获得二等奖的是:

 welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.

 (3)L and G can you feel the most exciting moment, right now, I am going to announce is the first winner: 女士们,先生们,现在我们来宣布获得一等奖的选手,他们是:

 welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.

 张:Congratulations to all the contestants and our thanks to all guests and judges. Thank you for coming!让我们再次把最热烈的掌声送给我们的参赛选手和评委们!感谢你们的参与

 张: Let's welcome professor Ren to give us some comments.


 张:Time flies.Till now, L and G, our Competition is over。


 张:Another wonderful and successful!

 Another memorable and growing!

 毋: 又一次的精彩,又一次的成功!


 张:In the future study and life, and hope that we will continue to learn English, speak English, use English, practice English and achieve our dreams.

 毋:在今后的学习和生活中,希望我们继续学英语、说英语、用英语,练就英语口才 成就精彩梦想。

 合:That’s all! Goodbye!



在英文中表示对上句的肯定可用so +人称+助动词,表示和别人一样的情况可用so +助动词+人称,本题表示的是过去,故助动词用did,上句人称是黄刚,为单数第三人称,用he代替,本题的含义是我听说黄刚昨天在毕业典礼上做了英语演讲,的确如此,我也做了演讲,故本题选A。

dear knowledgeabie,my best friend,mei ,has a problem。there is a really important English speech


Volleyball match, volleyball game


Art festival


Chinese Competition


Music Festival


English Evening

English party

English evening party




English speech contest


School Day


School Tour

An English Speech Contest (以一次英语演讲比赛为题,写一篇至少六句话的英语小作文)

Dear Fran:

I'm glad to received your letter,also,I'm hy to answer your friends about the English speech problem.If I were you, I would encourage her to believe in herself.Here's some advise:

1.To give her courage,you can let her practice speak English with you,becase she is your good friend and she tell your her trouble,it says she is very believe you.

2.,you can tell your teacher ,perhaps,he will tell you the methods to make Mei believe in herself.

3.Also,you can tell your classmates Mei's troubles,Implicitly encourages her, let her full of confidence.I think Mei will moved,and she doesn't blame you put her secret to others.

I really hope I can help you,also,I hope Mei can succeed.in the English Speech.

Best wishes to you!












最近要写一个topic是keeping fit的3~5min的English speech,希望能提供相关资料~范文亦可~希望高手帮助~

Notice April 25

Boys and girls,your attention please!We are telling you something important.It's time to show you now.An English Speech Contest will be held in our school on June 22nd.Those who are good at speaking English can take part in it.If you want to ,please contact you headteacher.


12 Affordable Ways To Good Health

#1 Exercise, and at the very least, just walk.

You need to move to burn those calories, to keep your body “oiled” and revving, and your metabolism humming just fine. You also don’t need to pay up to get moving. Even a brisk walk is considered quite healthy so if you can manage a regular exercise regimen comprised of sustained activity for 30 minutes a day, you’re in good shape.

I personally invested in home gym equipment like the kind you find in Bodylastics, Pro-Form and Smooth Fitness. But you should weigh the costs of doing so with how much value you get out of any exercise equipment you decide to buy. Don’t waste your money on things you don’t use!

#2 Sleep earlier.

Those times when I stayed up late or even all night to try to cram even more stuff into an already hectic day are now over. The body just won’t let me do those things anymore! And here’s the reason for improving your sleeping habits: your body heals and repairs itself and does its regulatory job while you’re snoozing. So give it the rest it deserves to keep you chugging along well the next day. A lifetime of bad sleeping habits will no dou take a toll on you and this is one easy way to oid getting sick.

#3 Consider vitamin supplementation.

If you’re not a good eater, you’ll be on your way to depleting your body of required vitamins and minerals. Supplements — especially the important ones — are a necessity to help replenish your body’s stores. Certain vitamins and minerals are important to prevent certain diseases from occurring and if you’re not getting them from your diet, consider taking a boost from other nutritional sources. Check out your local health food store or reputable health food sites like Swanson Health Products or The Vitamin Shoppe for the items you need.

I’ve gotten into debates about this with colleagues who believe that you should get all you need from the food you eat, and that would be true if you eat a healthy diet. Unfortunately, too many people I know don’t follow healthy diets, and probably he nutritional deficiencies. Supplements are there to hopefully help such people get back on track by addressing those gaps. The key here is moderation and ropriate treatment.

#4 Think twice about joining weight loss programs.

They could be a waste of time AND money. How do I know? Well because there are much cheaper alternatives. Not to say that such programs couldn’t work for some people, especially if they’ve already tried everything. For those who truly need the extra help, sites like Medifast and eDiets may be helpful.

#5 Eat more vegetables, cut down on red meat, caffeine, sugar and salt.

Yeah, yeah, yeah….boring. You’ve heard this advice before I’m sure — maybe too often. And these are some of the hardest things to do, if I say so myself. But I am practicing what I’m preaching here. How many times he I heard that we should consume several servings of vegetables a day consistently? Yech. And reduce the amount of red meat we eat? Dang. What about my forite foods: coffee, sweets, junk/processed food and french fries? Well, I am now reaching middle age and I’m beginning to see people in my life falling into the clutches of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Things are getting too close to home, so I’m changing my diet before I really pay for the junk I consume. It’s hard but I’m making it a gradual process and so far, I’m making some strides. Don’t forget too that by cutting out the junk, you’re sing money.

#6 Never skip breakfast.

I used to be one of those breakfast skippers who would pile it on heily in the evening. This is because I wasn’t hungry in the morning but terribly so at night. I thought it was just the way some of us were, that it was a natural cycle for some people. But in reality, these are bad habits that your body has become accustomed to doing and that needs to be broken. I look upon one of my co-workers as an example: he doesn’t he breakfast but eats non-stop when he gets home from work all the way till bedtime. Let’s just say this whacks out a body’s rhythm and does a number on glucose levels. Needless to say, the guy isn’t exactly in tip top shape nor healthy looking. But, I was surprised to learn how actually easy it is to retrain yourself into breaking those bad eating habits and found that my eating cycles are now better regulated resulting in less food consumed each day and overall improved health.

#7 Never eat an incomplete meal.

I’ve actually made an investment in my health by seeing a nutritionist on occasion to correct my lifelong wrongs when it came to food and diet. Among the simplest, yet most valuable information I picked up (which I’m sure you can learn from other sources) is this: never eat an incomplete meal. What does this mean? This means that each meal we take should always contain all three basic food groups: carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein, because your body needs all three food elements to absorb properly and most efficiently in your body.

#8 Don’t let yourself go hungry.

It’s weird but I also learned that if you can be proactive and anticipate when you’ll be hungry, and actually eat something before you do, you’ll eat less, and better. If you eat right after you find yourself starving, you’ll end up devouring more than you need to. By the same token, if you eat slowly and chew your food well, you’ll be able to control your food consumption better.

#9 Don’t stress out.

Those health experts keep saying it: toxins are all over our environment invading our systems, but some of these things are just not within our control. I’ll guarantee you’ll be breathing second hand smoke, car fumes and smog every time you go out of the house and enter a city. What about chemical agents in our hair spray, pesticide in our food or toxic materials hiding in old buildings where you work? You can’t escape these things. Well, one thing you can control is how stressed you are. Stress impacts your body in the same way terrible toxins do, so do your best to oid it.

#10 Wash your hands often.

Avoid getting sick by washing your hands often. Unless you don’t mind catching a bout of the cold or flu once in a while, or being a little dirty, which is actually good for you. I’ve had interesting conversations with a co-worker who advocates germs and infections as the way to better health in the long run. That’s because your body builds up its defenses and immune system by falling ill. But as a parent of a school-aged child I still don’t like catching annoying colds, plus getting sick often doesn’t seem to he improved my health.

#11 Toss the vices.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. It’s something you just cannot “nag” someone to do, since many a time, they’d rather take the chance and possibly face the consequences of their long term habits at a later time. After all, the reasoning goes, you can just as easily get run over by a bus than pick up health problems from some random vice. Still, you know the drill. And one other sticking point is how much you could actually se by giving up these extras.

#12 Visit your doctor for annual tests.

Those annual tests are covered by your health insurance or can be performed through free or low cost programs. Routine tests can catch problems early on before they develop into real trouble later. Don’t let it grow into a big issue that costs a lot to deal with.

So just remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!


“演讲比赛”用英语说是:Speech Contest


英 [spi?t?]? 美 [spit?]?

n. 演讲;讲话;[语] 语音;演说


speech analysis?语音分析 ;?[语]?语言分析 ; 言语分析 ; 语音评价

speech disorders?言语障碍 ; 语病

speech art?言语艺术


英 ['k?ntest]? 美 [k?n't?st]?

n. 比赛,竞赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺;争论,争辩,争执

v. 争取赢得(比赛、选举等);参加(竞争或选举),竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳


beauty contest 选美活动 ; 选美比赛 ; 选美会

Blog Contest 博客大赛

contest n 辩驳 ; 比赛 ; 争夺


All of us take great pleasure in sending congratulations to you for winning the Speech Contest. I know of no one who deserves it more than you.?





英 [k?p]? 美 [kop]?

vi. 处理;对付;竞争

n. 长袍

n. (Cope)人名;(英)科普;(西)科佩


cope flask 上砂箱 ; 上模箱 ; 上砂箱英语

Albert Cope 而艾伯特·柯普 ; 艾伯特柯普 ; 详细翻译

floor cope 地板应对 ; 应付楼 ; 地板应付


英 ['ra?vl]? 美 ['ra?vl]?

n. 对手;竞争者

vt. 与…竞争;比得上某人

vi. 竞争

adj. 竞争的

n. (Rival)人名;(英、法、西)里瓦尔


Arch Rival 劲敌 ; 主要对手 ; 主要竞争对手

rival commodities 竞争商品

rival emperor 巴西里斯卡斯


Hello,everyone! I am very hy that I can sand here to he a specch

(speech注:很多人开场白会这么讲:I am very glad to he the oppotunity/chance to launch a speech here.).

This is the first time that I he a English speech.

(这句把a改成an就没有语法错误了。个人觉得像课堂上这样的演讲,应该尽量避免用从句,用一些简单句就可以了。毕业论文里的英语要正式些。这里可以说:This is my first speech. )

If my speech isn't good, please forgive me.

(这句话是中国式的客气,美国人一般不会这么讲。forgive这个单词是一个很严重,正是的词,表示在犯了不可饶恕的错误时请求别人原谅时用。这里用excuse就可以了。美国人一般会比较直接一些,根据自己当时的情况说自己有点紧张之类的话,请观众给他鼓励。承接上面的那句,可以说:well, I am a little bit nervous, and hope you can back me up.,如果说完后,同学们有鼓掌,那你就顺势说一声Thank you./thank you for your support.)

Today, my topic is my hometown--Jiaxing. Jiaxing is our hometown, we should know more knowledge about it.

(这两句之前的称呼不对应。My和our这两个有冲突。你现在上高中,班上人应该都是嘉兴人吧。所以第一句里面的my hometown要改为our hometown.第二个句子要有关系词,两个主谓结构的句子之间一定要有关系词,不能并列。可改为since Jiaxing is our hometown, we should know more about it. Knowledge 这里可以省略。Knowledge 是一个比较正式抽象的词,更偏向于学识,学问。例如He is poor in money, but rich in knowledge. 他贫于金钱, 但富于学问。这句里money和knowledge俗雅就形成了对比。另外,句子里的it 可以用her来表达,表示更人性化,就好像我们把祖国比喻成母亲。)

First, let us see some introduction of Jiaxing.

(建议改为By this speech, I want to give you a brief introduction about Jiaxing. )

This is the city tree of Jiaxing. And this is the city flower. Jiaxing has many specialty

(specialties要用复数形式跟many对应。), let's see.(这里可以用:for example,例如)

These are Jiaxing Wufangzhai zongzi.

(这句的复数形式不对,其实这句话可以省略,说完for example 之后,直接点开,说嘉兴粽子就可以了。)

Jiaxing also has lots of famous people.(A lot of famous people were born in Jiaxing. Let's see.(Let’s see这个词上面已经用过了,要避免重复,可以这样说:Let’s scan some photos.) This is Yu Hua. This is Xu Zhimo. This is Jin Yong. This is Feng Zikai. Jiaxing is a beautiful city, let's he a good look about the beauty of Jiaxing. This is Santa. This is the south lake. Where is this? This is Xiuzhou district of the new .

(This is Xiuzhou New Official District. 应该是XIUZHOU政务新区吧?我是按这个翻译的。)

I'm very proud of my hometown is Jiaxing.

(把is 去掉,或把of换成that。根据下面的句子,这里用that比较好。)

And I am proud of that I am a people in Jiaxing.

(这个句子跟上一个句子结构应该相同,但是语义要更进一步,可以这么说:I am also very proud that I was born in Jiaxing. People这里不对,注意单复数之间的对应。)

I love you, Jiaxing. I hope after my speech, you will love Jiaxing more. My speech is over, thank you!

注:在句中有First这个词表示首先,而在接下来的介绍中没有相对应的表示顺序的词。所以文中的FIRST完全可以省略。你的内容主要分为四部分:市树市花,知名小吃,名人,知名景点。知名小吃只举例了一个,可以再加2~3个。这四个部分前面可以加first,second,third,fourth这样表示顺序的词,表示一种并列。但是这种说法一般都比较单调,更多的用: First of all, to begin with, 表第一点,secondly, then,表第二点,thirdly, what’s more, 表第三点,fourthly, at last, finally 表示第四点。