





5.感恩母亲的英语作文 感恩母亲的英语作文及中文翻译





       2012-05-11 11:37 作者: 来源:北外网院 字号:T|T

       摘要:谎言虽可恶,但是母亲们善意的谎言(white lie)却让我们觉得无比幸福,暖意融融,时时流露出一股柔情,值得我们一辈子去享受、去珍藏。


       谎言虽可恶,但是母亲们善意的谎言(white lie)却让我们觉得无比幸福,暖意融融,时时流露出一股柔情,值得我们一辈子去享受、去珍藏。

       Our mothers are big liars. There, I said it。


       When we were little kids, they told lies like “If you swallow a watermelon seed, it will grow inside your stomach”。


       And they keep lying even now that we are grown up. But how can you blame a woman who sometimes lies to you because she loves you?


       As Mother’s Day is upon us, let’s take a look at some of moms’ love-wrapped lies。


       Nothing’s wrong; I’m fine。


       It’s the biggest lie. Every time you asked your mom how she was, she would put up a smile and use this line, even when it was after a big fight with your dad or she was caught weeping in her bedroom. She never told you that she was heartbroken。


       You are special。


       Moms say it a lot. And for this reason, we grew up believing that we were truly outstanding and extraordinary–more talented and accomplished than our peers. Sadly, there would always come the day when we figured out that we were actually not。


       This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you。



       2012-05-11 11:37 作者: 来源:北外网院 字号:T|T

       摘要:谎言虽可恶,但是母亲们善意的谎言(white lie)却让我们觉得无比幸福,暖意融融,时时流露出一股柔情,值得我们一辈子去享受、去珍藏。


       How stupid of a statement is that, really, when you think about it? Sure, seeing you cry over a vaccination shot, being punished or getting dumped can be emotionally gut-wrenching for your mom, but will it hurt her more than it hurts you? Anyway, it’s sweet, isn’t it?


       Slow down. You’ve got your whole life to be a grown up。


       How true is this one? A recent UK survey shows that 88 percent of people quizzed think that their children are growing up too fast。


       Your mom is just one of those parents who are really scared that their little boys or girls will someday outgrow them。


       Those accessories do make my outfit look better。


       When you insisted that her dress would be much improved if she wore the pair of big dangling earrings you gave her as a birthday gift, she never disagreed。


       But if you were watching her closely, you’d have seen her slipping a couple of things from her jewelry box into her purse before she went out。


       关键字:感恩母亲节 母亲节英语祝福 母亲节祝福语



       2012-05-11 11:37 作者: 来源:北外网院 字号:T|T

       摘要:谎言虽可恶,但是母亲们善意的谎言(white lie)却让我们觉得无比幸福,暖意融融,时时流露出一股柔情,值得我们一辈子去享受、去珍藏。

       Sweet words for moms


       Sweet words to text your mom or to add to a Mother’s Day card:


       I want you to know you’re a wonderful mother and I’ve always known how lucky I’ve been throughout my life to have had you as my mom。


       You were always there for me when I needed someone to be there, and I want you to know I will always be there for you。


       I couldn’t have asked for a better mother. You’re always there to give excellent advice, make great food, or just listen。


       I would not have been able to make this wonderful journey through life without you. You paved the road of my life with your support and love。


       Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life ... and today it is you。


       While it’s too late for a lot of things, it’s not too late for me to tell you that even though I may not always be good at showing it, I love you very much。




       mother is a good for her chind.my mother has long and black hair.her has black and big eyes.everymoring ,my mother always cook breafast with me ,everyevening she often stays with me.for a time ,she mad with me,I know ,my mother is hope I become outstanding.thank you mother ,Thanks you to my relations,taking care of me .You happiness bitter




       Gratitude is a kind of warm emotion, like a slowly flowing stream, singing gently, passing the purest and most beautiful message in the world from heart to heart. I am most grateful to you, my dear mother.

       You have contained all my advantages and disadvantages with broad mind and deep love, generously gave me a space of my own, let me stretch my arms and embrace the life I want.

       Thank you, mom, for following me all the time in my childhood and giving me careful care and care. My childhood was accompanied by my joys and sorrows, which included your countless ups and downs. You are often happy because of my joy, and you are often worried because of my troubles.

       Thank you, mom, for your meticulous love. I deeply remember that time: when I was in the third grade, I had a high fever in the middle of the night. You took me on your back to the hospital without saying a word.

       It was still raining at that time. You took off your clothes and put them on me. You were afraid that I would be damaged by the rain and walked forward in the rain. When I got to the hospital, my mother caught a cold in the rain. I didn't know what to say at that time.

       In learning, you are more strict with me. After you have done the test carefully, you must look at it carefully and do it again I said, "OK."

       Every drop of kindness is rewarded by a spring. Mom, your kindness to me is like the boundless sea. On every mother's day, when I ask you what gift you want, my mother will say, "as long as you are good at learning and become a useful person for the motherland and the people, it is the best gift."




       感谢妈妈,您给了我无微不至的爱。 我深刻地记得那一次。记得我读三年级时,半夜发起了高烧,您二话没说就背着我上了医院,当时还下着雨,您将自己的衣服脱下来披在我身上,怕我被雨淋坏了,自己冒雨前进。到了医院,母亲也因淋雨感冒了,我当时不知说什么好。




       Last week our music teacher taught us a song, named Indebted Heart. Through it I know that we should live with a thankful heart. At that time, I think of my parents. I think they are the first people I should thank. It’s them who give me life. It’s them who give me home. It’s them who bring me up. It’s them who look after me. It’s them who teach me knowledge and live happily. I should thank my parents giving me so much. Maybe I should think how to pay back the love my parents give me. But now I think the best way to be appreciated of my parents is to study well and then being a useful person to the society when I grow up.

感恩母亲的英语作文 感恩母亲的英语作文及中文翻译

       Dear mother:

       I'm your child . Today is Mother's day.I have a lot of saying to you.

       Thank you your love!Let me know how to be a good student.Thank you your love!Let me know how to make friend. Thank you your love!Let me so happy!

       I want to say you I love you !









       Mother's Day Introduction

       As a thank his mother for Mother's Day holiday, first appeared in ancient Greece, time is the annual January 8, while in the United States, Canada and some other countries, it is every year the second Sunday in May, a number of other countries dates were the same (see below "the world celebrate Mother's Day time is different"). On this day mothers often receive gifts.

        Overseas, the carnation flower is regarded as dedicated to his mother.

        In China, mother lily flower flower, also known as Wang Youcao.

        Liliaceae Hemerocallis Hemerocallis is a perennial herb, fleshy rhizome, leaves long, slender top out orange or orange flowers, very beautiful, it is not only for people watching, called the lily buds, but also as a vegetable for human consumption , in the widely cultivated in South and North.(母亲节介绍




        萱草 萱草是百合科多年生草本植物,根茎肉质,叶狭长,细长的枝顶端开出桔红或桔**的花,十分艳丽,它不仅供人观赏,花蕾叫金针,也可作蔬菜供人食用,在我国南北方广为栽植。)

       1、My mother is very kind. She takes care of me day and night.She spends little money, but buys anything for me that I need.This time I must show my love. I am going to give her a card and write like this, I love you, mother! I am going to put it under her pillow.

