










 ( )1. A. take a shower B. big flat C.small flat

 ( )2. A. he books B. read meals C.read books

 ( )3. A. two doors B. two floor C. three doors

 ( )4. A. thirty B. thir C. three

 ( )5. A.eighty-five B. eighty C. eighty five

 ( )6. A.beside B.between C.behind

 ( )7. A.living room B.bedroom C.bathroom

 ( )8. A.chicken B.kitchen C.garden

 ( )9. A.forty tables B.forty desks C.thir desks

 ( )10. A.library B.play ground C.swimming pool


 w W w .x K b 1.c o M



 ( )1.A. No, there isn?t. B.Yes,there are. C.They are some toys.

 ( ) 2.A.It is pink. B.It is a bed. C.No,it isn?t .

 ( ) 3.A.Yes,I do. B.It is beautiful. C.Thank you .

 ( ) 4.A.It is large . B.No,it isn?t. C. I like it.

 ( ) 5.A.There are twenty. B.They are twenty. C.Yes,there are.


 ( ) 1.This is a picture of Ben?s bedroom.

 ( ) 2.There is a large playground in Ben?s school.

 ( ) 3.There are 30 trees behind the playground.

 ( ) 4.There are 32 classroom in Ben?s school.

 ( ) 5.There are 55 desks and chair in Ben?s classroom.



 study forty in front of purple bathroom

 under thir music eighty blue

 art kitchen behind red computer


 2. livingroom___________________

 3. in___________________________




 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

 ( )1.A.This is a picture of a window.

 B.This isn?t a picture of a study.

 C.This isn?t a picture of a window.

 ( )2.A.-Is this a flower? --No,it isn?t.

 B.?Is this a flower? --Yes,it is.

 C.?Is this a tree? --Yes,it is.

 ( )3.A.--What?s this? --It is a library.

 B.?What?s this? --It is a classroom.

 C.?What?s this? --It is a swimming pool.

 ( )4.A.There are some children on the playground.

 B.There is some child in the library.

 C.There are some children in the classroom.

 ( )5.A.This is a picture of a toilet.

 B.This is a picture of a floor.

 C.This is a picture of a kitchen.


 ( )1.The cat is next _____my dad.

 A. on B.to

 ( )2.Please open your mouth _____two minutes.

 A. for B.in

 ( )3._______in your bedroom?

 A.what?s B.What

 ( )4.--_________is the wall?

 --It?s pink.

 A.How many B.What coulour

 ( )5.I do __________homework after school.

 A.my B.your

 ( )6.How many classrooms ________there in your school?

 A.is B.are

 ( )7.-- Are they big____small.

 --They are big.

 A.or B.and

 ( )8.Our school ________ thirty-eight classrooms.

 A.he B.has

 ( )9.Let ____show you_______new school.

 A.me; our Bme; we

 ( )10.?Is it the music room?


 A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,there is.


 A栏 B栏

 ( ) 1. Let?s play a game. A. There are thir.

 ( ) 2. How many rooms are there? B.It?s big.

 ( ) 3.Where is your bed? C.Ok.

 ( ) 4.Is your house big or small? D.Yes,there is.

 ( ) 5.Are there any balls? E.It?s near the window.


 1、 Now o_______your eyes.

 2、 I w__________in the evening.

 3. Our school has many t________.

 4. My flat is in that b_________.

 5. I he a largel h________.


 there ; school; Good morning; twenty-five; is

 A:Good morning .


 A:Is this a picture of your school?

 B:Yes,it ________.

 A:How many classrooms are there in your _________.

 B:There are __________ classrooms.

 A:Is________a swimming pool in your school?

 B:No,there isn?t.


 My name is Tom.There are two buildings in my school.There are 20 classrooms and five teachers? rooms in the school.We he lessons in the classroom building.In front of the classroom building,there is a large playground.We he PE lessons there.Opposite the playground,there is a swimming pool.Behind it,there is a brown building.There are three computer rooms,one large music room and a library in that building.There are many books in the library.

 ( )1.Tom?s school has 5 buildings.

 ( )2.There are 20 classrooms and five teachers? rooms in Tom?s school.

 ( )3.Tom has PE lessons on the playground.

 ( )4.Opposite the playground,there is a dinning hall.

 ( )5.There are many books in the library. X K b1 . C o m





 四.B.A.C. B.A.


 六. 1.forty thir eighty

 2.study bathroom kitchen

 3.in front of under behind

 4.purple blue red

 5.music computer art

 七、A B B A C



 十、1.pen 2.atch TV 3.rees 4uilding 5edroom

 十一、Good morning is school twenty-five there


 听力材料一.1.I take a shower in the evening. 2.We read books at school. 3.The bedroom has two doors. 4.There are thir blouses in the shop. 5.This black dress is eighty-five yuan. 6.The map is between the two windows . 7.I he a beautiful living room. 8.My mother is in the kitchen now. 9.Ms White is working in the library.

 二.A.a living room B.a bed C. a toilet D.a playground E.a wall F. a window. G.a house H .a bedroom I .a classroom J.a swimming pool

 三.1.This isn?t a kitchen . 2.---Is this a schoolbag ? ---Yes,it is.

 3.There are two pictures on the wall. 4.There is a picture beside the window.

 5.The chair is in front of the sofa. 6.There is a computer on the desk.

 7.The clock is beside the TV . 8.There are two cats on the floor.

 9.There is a map on the desk. 10.The toy bear is under the chair.

 四.1.Are there any toys under the bed? 2.What colour is your desk?

 3.Welcome to my new study. 4.Is your school large ? 5.How many classrooms are there in your school?

 五.Mum: Is this a picture of your new school,Ben?

 Ben :Yes,it is big and beautiful, Mum.

 Mum:Is there a large playground in your school?

 Ben:Yes,there is.And there are thirty trees beside the playground.

 Mum:How many classrooms are there in your school?

 Ben:There are thirty-two.

 Mum:What?s in your classroom?

 Ben:There are forty-five desks and chairs.

 Mum:Do you he a tidy desk ?

 Ben:Yes,I do.




Buying a ticket

Wang Bin is a football fan. There is a football match between Chinese team and American team. He wants to watch it. He comes to the box office(售票处) and gives the clerk 10 yuan. The clerk says,?please give me another 10 yuan. The price(价格) of a ticket is 20 yuan.?

Why? says Wang Bin, I just watch Chinese team. I don?t want to watch the other team at all. Do you want me to buy a ticket for them? No, no, no?


( )1. How does Wang Bin like football?

A. Little. B. A little. C. Very. D. Very much.

( )2. Can you guess the meaning of ?clerk? in the passage?

A. 商人 B. 老板 C. 买主 D. 售票员

( )3. Can Wang Bin buy a ticket with 10 yuan?

A. Yes, he can.

B. Yes, he does.

C. No, he can?t.

D. No, he doesn?t.

( )4.? Do you want me to buy a ticket for them? The word ?them? refers to

A. Chinese team

B. British team

C. American team

D. French team

( )5. Can Wang Bin watch the match?

A. Yes, he will.

B. Yes, he can.

C. No, he can?t.

D. No, he won?t





Last week I went to the cinema. I had a good seat. The film was very interesting. But I didn?t enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the film. I turned round. I looked at them angrily. But they didn?t see me. At last I could not hear it. I said to them.

I couldn?t hear a word!?

It?s none of your business(没你的事),?the young man said rudely,?this is a private conversation(私人谈话).?


( )1. Last Sunday I went to the cinema.

( )2. A young man and a young woman were sitting in front of me.

( )3. The film was very bad, so I didn?t enjoy it.

( )4. They weren?t watching the film.

( )5. The young man thought the author(作者) would like to listen to their private conversation.

( )6. From this story we can see that the two young people were polite.







 一、 听录音,选择你听到的单词、短语或它们的汉语意思。(5☆)

 ( ) 1. A. younger B. stronger C. longer D. thinner

 ( ) 2. A.牙疼 B. 头疼 C. 喉咙疼 D. 感冒

 ( ) 3. A. skiing B. skating C. sick D. swimming

 ( ) 4. A. 生气的 B. 兴奋的 C.疲劳的 D. 无聊的

 ( ) 5. A. eat B. ate C. get D. feet


 ( ) 1.Sarah, Mike and Amy are cousins.

 ( ) 2.Mike took pictures on his holiday.

 ( ) 3.Sarah is 10 cm shorter than Mike.

 ( ) 4.Sarah likes climbing.

 ( ) 5.Amy is from America.

 五、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。(5☆)

 ( )1. A. I?m 40kg. B. I?m 154cm. C. I?m 12.

 ( )2. A. She?s fine. B. He has a cold. C. He feels hy.

 ( )3. A. I cleaned the room. B. I clean the room. C. I am cleaning the room.

 ( )4. A. I?m going to Hong Kong. B. I?m going there by plane.

 C. I?m going to buy a book.

 ( )5.A.I went to Hainan. B.I will go to Hainan. C. I want to go to Hainan .


 1 . Amy is taller and _________ than Sarah .

 2 . John is sick. His throat is __________ .

 3 . Zhang Peng _______ English book at home last weekend.

 4 . Did you ________ the room last weekend?

 5 . He _______ ____________on his holiday. .

 七、 听录音,找出所听到的句子的汉语意思(5☆)

 ( )1. A..我的胳膊比你的长



 ( )2. A.如果你病了不用急着去看医生



 ( )3.A.. 妈妈打算给我买条新裙子我很高兴。



 ( )4.A..在上午吴一帆打扫了他的房间,踢了足球



 ( )5.A..在星期三,我们打算去唱歌吃美食。




 Liuyun: Wuyifan ,You look so hy today !

 Wuyifan : Yes ,I he a good time on my holiday.

 Liuyun: ___________________________on your holiday ?

 Wuyifan : I went to Heilongjiang

 Liuyun: ___________________________there?\

 Wuyifan : I went by train.

 Liuyun: What did you do there ?

 Wuyifan: I _____________________ and _____________________.

 Liuyun: ______________________

 Liuyun: I go with my parents.

 Wuyifan: It seams very nice.

 笔试部分 (60%)


 ( )1. A pain B baby C tail D banana

 ( )2. A coat B know C boat D look

 ( )3. A pear B hair C chair D ear

 ( )4. A work B actor C mirror D doctor

 ( )5. A minute B hungry C must D thus


 1 hey________(比较级)

 2. big_________(比较级)

 3 he__________(第三人称单数)

 4. bought________(原形)


 十一、Read and choose.(读一读,选择正确答案)(5☆)

 ( )1.---Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him.

 ---How tall is Ted?

 A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm

 ( )2、My throat __________ sore, my nose __________.

 A. is, hurt B. are, hurts C. is hurts

 ( )3.----_______did you go on your holiday?


 A. What B. Where C. How

 ( )4. We _______ books last night.

 A. read B. reads C . readed

 ( )5、Did you went swimming last weekend?

 A Yes ,I didn?t B No ,I didn?t C No ,I did

 十二、根据句意,用单词的适当形式填空 :(5☆)

 1. He is ________(young) and stronger than me .

 2. I ________(buy ) presents on my holiday .

 3. What _______ (do) you do last weekend ?

 4. She ______ (see) the elephants last Monday .

 5. Sarah ______(feel) sad, because she failed her math test.

 十四、Make sentences. 连词成句(5☆)

 1、you, much, am, than, I ,stronger。


 2、 matter, with ,your ,what?s ,the ,sister?


 3、 did, last, read, you, weekend, books


 4、my, I, holiday, elephants, saw, on


 5、the do you what on weekend do usually?



 I he a good friend。 Her name is Lily .I am 158cm ,she is 160 cm tall She is than me .But she is only 13 years old, and I?m 14 years old . She is than me . She collecting stamps . We often play together . last weekend, we hiking and _____pictures .we had a good time .


 Zip: Hey, Zoom. _________________________?

 Zoom: I went to the hospital on the weekend.

 Zip: ______________________________?

 Zoom: Yes, I was sick.

 Zip: ______________________________?

 Zoom: I had a fever and my throat is sore.

 Zip: You should do sports and make yourself to be stronger.

 Zoom: You are right. ________________________________?

 Zip: That?s a good idea. But I will go swimming this afternoon.

 Zoom: _______________________.

 Zip: Sure! Let?s go together.


 Last weekend we had a birthday for our classmate Zhang Xiaohui. She is younger than me, but I am shorter than her. And she looks stronger. Of course she is heier than me. We went to a shop to buy a present for Xiaohui.

 What did we buy? We bought a doll for her. Because she told me ? I hen?t got a lovely doll.? When she got our present she looked excited. She was very hy. We went to the zoo. We saw elephants. We wanted to row a boat in Daming park, but it was later, we had to go home. We had a good time on that day.

 ( )1. Xiaohui is taller than me.

 ( )2. I bought a doll for Xiaohui.

 ( )3. We went to a shop last month.

 ( )4. They had a good time on Xiaohui?s birthday.

 ( )5. We rowed a boat in the park.


 I am Sandy. Tomorrow is Saturday. I am going to the Tai Mountains with my good friends. We are going to meet

 at 6:00 in the morning. The mountains are far from our home. We are going by bike. We are going to he a

 picnic there. Amy my little sister likes flowers. So I?m going to pick some beautiful flowers for her. The

 mountains are very beautiful, I take my camera, and I?m going to take some pictures there.

 1. What is Sandy going to do on Saturday?


 2. When is Sandy going to meet with his friends?


 3. Are the mountains near Sandy?s home?


 4. Who is Amy? What does she like?


 5. What is Sandy going to do on the mountain?



 1、What?s your hobby? ___________________________________________ .

 2、what are you going to do next weekend?__________________________________________

 3、How old are you and how tall are you? ____________________________________________

 4、How do you go to school? ____________________________________________

 5、What did you do last weekend? ___________________________________________ .






 Keys: D D A B B


 Keys: 1. ? 2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ?

 五、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。(5☆)

 Keys: C C A B B


 Keys:1、Thinner 2、Sore 3、Read 4、 cleaned

 5、visited his grandparesents

 七、 听录音,找出所听到的句子的汉语意思(5☆)

 Keys: 1. A 2 B. 3.A. 4. B. 5. C.



 1、Where did you go

 2、How did you go

 3、went skiing

 4、visited my uncle

 5、Who did you go with




 1. D banana

 2. D look

 3. D ear

 4. A work

 5. A minute 、



 1 heier

 2. bigger

 3. has

 4. buy

 5. was

 十一、Read and choose.(读一读,选择正确答案)














 十四、Make sentences. 连词成句(5☆)


 1. I am much stronger than You。

 2.What?s the matter with your sister?

 3. Did you read books last weekend?

 4. I saw elephants on my holiday .

 5、What do you usually do on the weekend?
















 Keys: T 、 T 、F 、T 、F



 1、She is going to the Tai Mountains with her good friends

 2、They are going to meet at 6:00 in the morning

 3、NO ,They are far.

 4、Amy is Sandy?s little sister and she likes flowers.

 5、she is going to take some pictures there.



 1、I like collecting stamps\swimming \running?

 2、I am going to buy a book \take a trip?.

 3、I am 160 cm talland 45kg hey.

 4、I go to school on foot\by bike \by bus?

 5、I rowed a bouat\bought presents\....





1. 小学六年级英语试卷

2. 2016年小学六年级英语模拟试卷及答案

3. 小学六年级英语毕业考试试题

4. 小学六年级英语期末考试卷

5. 六年级英语小升初复习试卷及答案






 ( )1. nine big ( ) 2. pen she

 ( )3. fat maths ( ) 4. picture light

 ( )5. floor door


 1、A .door B .floor C. window D .near

 2、A. wall B .fan C .dog D puter

 3、A .le B. light C .blackboard D. picture

 4、A .desk B .help C .teacher?s desk D .chair

 5、A. father B. mother C. brother D. teacher


 ( )1. --Let?s clean the floor. --______

 A. OK! B. Goodbye! C.Thank you.

 ( )2. --We he a new classroom.. --______

 A. Let?s go and see. B.It?s near the door. C. It?s big.

 ( )3. --Where?s my chair? --_________

 A. It?s so big. B. It?s under the desk. C.It?s a bag.

 ( )4.Chen Jie: Let me help you . Amy: _______.

 A . OK. B. Here you are. . C.Thank you.

 ( ) 5.教室里面有什么?

 A. What?s in the classroom ?

 B. What?s on the blackboard ?

 ( ) 6. ---_______ is the schoolbag?

 ---It?s blue.

 A. What B. What colour C. How many

 ( ) 7.当你打扰到别人,你会说___:

 A. Bye B.Excuse me. C. Here it is.

 ( ) 8.A: Where?s my toy ? B:___.(在门旁边)

 A .It?s near the door . B. It?s near the desk .

 C.Excuse me .

 ( ) 9. --- What?s in the classroom?

 ---Two doors and _____ chairs.

 A. an B. many C. a

 ( )10.I he___ English book in my schoolbag.

 A. a B. two C. an


 1.Open the door. 2. Turn on the light.

 3. Close the window. 4. Put up the picture.

 5. Clean the blackboard.


 ( )Thank you so much !

 ( )Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag.

 ( )Here it is !

 ( )OK.What?s in it ?

 ( ) An English book,two and notebooks.

 ( )It is blue and white .

 ( ) What colour is it ?


 ( )1.Let?s clean the classroom. A. It?s a storybook.

 ( )2.Where is my book? B. Really ?

 ( )3.What colour is the fan? C.OK.

 ( )4.What?s this? D. It?s on the desk.

 ( )5.We he a new classroom. E. It?s white.


 Look! This is my new schoolbag. It?s big. It?s blue and white. I he an English book, a Chinese book, a maths book, three notebooks and a pencil-box in it. In my pencil-box,you can see a ruler, two pens, seven pencils and an eraser. Oh, where is my schoolbag? It?s on my chair.

 ( )1.My schoolbag is small.

 ( )2.I he three Chinese books.

 ( )3.My pencil-box is in my schoolbag .

 ( )4.There are six pencils in the pencil-box.

 ( )5.The schoolbag is on the chair.




 ( )1. nine big ( ) 2. pen she

 ( )3. fat name ( ) 4. pig rice

 ( )5. fish six ( ) 6. it like


 ( ) 1、 A. big B. small C. fish

 ( ) 2、 A. notebook B. toys C. pencil

 ( ) 3、 A. key B. window C. door

 ( ) 4、 A. maths book B. notebook C. Chinese book

 ( ) 5、 A. le B. rice C. cake


 ( ) 1. I he __________ English book.

 A. a B. is C. an

 ( ) 2. Put your math book ______ your desk .

 A. at B. on C. the

 ( ) 3.---Let me help you ---_______________

 A. Thank you B. Here you are. C. You?re right.

 ( )4.--- I he a new schoolbag. ---_________? What colour is it ?

 A. Good B. Really C. No

 ( )5. Let?s _______ and see .

 A. go B. to go C. Go to

 ( )6、Turn the light.

 A. \ B.on C.in

 ( )7、I he English book and Chinese book.

 A.a; a B.a; an C.an; a

 ( ) 8. --- What?s in the classroom?

 ---Two doors and _____ chairs.

 A. many B. may C. math

 ( )9.I he new schoolbag.

 A. a B. an C. the

 ( )10. in your hand?

 A. Where B. What?s C. How many

 ( )11.There are 15 in the bag.

 A. pen B. a pen C. pens

 ( )12. How many do you he ?

 A. English books B. English C. English book

 ( )13. --- What?s in your pencil-case?


 A. Two rulers and a pen. B. It`s a math book. C. A bag.

 ( )14. --- is the pen?


 A. What B. What colour C. How many


 A. ( )1. math book D.

 ( )2.Chinese book

 B. ( )3. English book E.

 ( )4. story-book

 C . ( )5. note book F.

 ( )6. schoolbag


 1.long hair__________ 2. short hair__________ 3. thin_______


 7.she________8.he________ 9.boy___________ 10.girl__________


 Thank you so much !

 Excuse 1. . I lost my2. .

 Here it is !

 OK.What is3、 it ?

 4. English book、 two5. And6. notebook.

 It is blue and 7. .

 8. 9. is it ?

 六、 连词成句。(10分)

 1. colour what it is ?

 2. a new he I schoolbag .

 3. is , schoolbag, hey , my .

 4. what, your ,in, is ,pencil box ?

 5. blue ,white ,it, is ,and .


 (1)用is、 are 、或am填空。

 1. She a girl . 2. I Amy. 3. We friendly.

 4.The cat white. 5.She tall and strong. 6. He quiet .

 7.Wu Yifan thin . 8.My mother short and thin.

 (2).用he 或has填空(6分)。

 1. I long hair . 2.I big eyes. 3.She short hair.

 4.He big ears . 5.She long arms . 6.John big hands and big feet .


 ( )1.What colour is it? A. It?s yellow.

 ( )2.What?s in your bag? B. OK!

 ( )3. I he a new schoolbag C. 3 pencils and many books.

 ( )4.Let?s clean the window. D. Really?


1. 人教版四年级英语试卷

2. 四年级英语句子专项练习

3. 2015年四年级英语期中考试题及答案

4. 四年级英语期中测试题及答案

5. 四年级英语期中试卷

6. 小学四年级英语上册试卷




 一、 找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。


 ( )1、A、car B、plane C、monkey

 ( ) 2、A、rabbit B、red C、bear

 ( )3、A、nose B、book C、eye

 ( )4、A、hamburger B、hot dog C、balloon


 1、Thank you. ____________________。

 2、I like dogs. ______________________________。

 3、Good morning.________________________。

 4、Bye bye!____________________________!

 5、How are you ? ___________________?



 1、What?s your name ? A、Good evening!

 2、Good evening! B、My name?s John .

 3、Nice to meet you . C、You ?re welcome .

 4、Thank you . D、Fine,Thank you.

 5、How are you ? E、Nice to meet you,too. 四、英译汉。(2*12=24分)

 ①rice_________ ②Coke________ ③blue______

 ④ball_________ ⑤ship________ ⑥dog________⑦foot_________ ⑧leg _________ ⑨kite_________⑩rabbit_________ ?face_________ ?yellow_____

 五、选择最佳的答案,只填其代号。(2*12=24 分)

 ( )1、早上向某人问好,应该说__________

 A、How are you ? B、Good morning !

 ( )2、怎么样用英文询问对方的姓名________________

 A、Hello ! B、What?s your name ?

 ( )3、你想向别人介绍你的朋友John,应该说_________

 A、Hello! I?m John . B、This is John .

 ( )4、与别人道别时,我们应该说__________________

 A、Hello! B、Bye !

 ( )5、有人对你说What?s your name ?如果你是Li

 Ming ,应该回答____

 A、I?m Li Ming . B、Hello ! Li Ming .

 ( )6、哇,它真好?用英语怎么说_________________

 A、Wow! It?s nice! B、Hello!

 ( )7、看我的眼睛,用英语怎么说__________________

 A、Touch my eye! B、Look at my eye!

 ( )8、当朋友告诉你他受伤了,你应该说什么_________

 A、No,thank you. B、Oh, I?m sorry!

 ( )9、当你产生疑问,真的吗?你应该说什么_________

 A、Sure. B、Really?

 ( )10、当朋友对你说谢谢,你应该说什么____________

 A、You?re welcome. B、I?m sorry!

 ( )11、它是什么颜色的,用英语怎么说______________

 A、 What?s your name ? B、What colour is it?

 ( )12、当你和朋友的意见一样时,你可以说什么______

 A、Me,too! B、Here you are. 六、左右连线翻译题。(10分)

 1、Glad to meet you. A、欢迎!

 2、Good afternoon ! B、见到你很高兴。

 3、Welcome . C、下午好 .

 4、This is my glue. D、我有一个洋娃娃.

 5、I he a doll. E、这是我的胶水。

点击下载 三年级英语上册期末试卷(精通版附答案)


 一 C B B C

 二谢谢 我喜欢狗 早上好 再见 你好吗?

 三1、What?s your name ? A、Good evening!

 2、Good evening! B、My name?s John .

 3、Nice to meet you . C、You ?re welcome .

 4、Thank you. D、Fine,Thank you.

 5、How are you ? E、Nice to meet you,too.

 四 1米饭 2可乐 3蓝色 4球 5 轮船 6狗 7脚 8腿 9风筝 10兔子 11脸 12**

 五 B B B B A A

 B B B A B A

 六 1、Glad to meet you. A、欢迎!

 2、Good afternoon ! B、见到你很高兴。

 3、Welcome . C、下午好 .

 4、This is my glue. D、我有一个洋娃娃.

 5、I he a doll. E、这是我的胶水。


以下是 为大家整理的关于小学四年级英语能力竞赛试卷的文章,供大家学习参考! 听力部分(总分50分)


1. A. cap B. card C. cake

2. A. see B. sing C. shoe. 3. A. fish B. fun C. find

4. A. summer B. supper C. Sunday

5. A. 3682517 B. 3628517 C. 3652817

6. A. two new teaches B. two new udents C. two new pictures

7. A. on the floor B. under the desk C. behind the door

8. A. like singing B. make hings C. drink something

9. A. Let’s go and help him.

B. Let’s go and call him.

C. Let’s go and see him.

10 A.Mr Green can speak Chinese and English.

B. Mrs Green can speak English and Chinese.

C. Miss Green can speak Chinese and English.


1. A. It’s sunny today. B. It’s Friday. C. It’s September .

2. A. Hello, Mike. I’m fine. B. Hello, Mike. Nice to meet you.

C. Hello, Mike. How are you?

3. A. No, my English is bad. B. No, your English is good.

C. Thank you.

4. A. How do you do? B. I’m all right. C. Fine, thank you. And you?

5. A. They’re at school. B. Jim is at home. C. They are fine.

6. A. Yes, they do. B. No they don’t. C. Yes, she does.

7. A. Five yuan. B. Half a kilo, please. C. It’s a kilo.

8. A. It’s Kate. B. Yes, it’s mine. C. It’s Kate’s.

9. A. About fifty. B. Yes, they are. C. No there aren’t.

10 A. I’m cleaning the window. B. Mike is reading .

C. Yes, I’m doing my homework .


1.A.They are in the park. B. They are in the cinema. C. They are in the classroom.

2.A. They are white. B. They are black. C. They are brown.

3.A. They like red flowers. B. They like the white cat. C. They like the blue bird.

4.A. It’s on the wall. B. It’s on the floor. C. It’s on the desk.

5.A. Reading books. B. Watching TV. C. Watching TV and reading books

6. A. A lot. B. Very much. C. A little.

7.A. She studies in China. B. She teaches English in


C. She’s a Chinese teacher.

8. A. A glass of water. B. A cup of tea. C. A glass of milk.

9. A. Two. B. Only one. C. There aren’t any.

10. A. Fish. B. Meat. C. Eggs.


1. Tom and Mary are _________.

A. friends B. brother and sister C. classmates

2.There is a lake ______________.

A. near the hill B. behind the hill C. near the school

3.There are ______ people in their family.

A. four B. five C. three

4.Mary doesn’t go to school. She is only ________years old.

A. five B. six C. four

5.Tom likes ________ very much.

A. football B. basketball C. swimming


It’s very nice of you to __1___ to me. From your ____2___ I ___3__ a lot about you and your school. Now let me __4____ you something about me and my school.

I’m __5___ years old. I’ m in class Four , Grade One . My father is a taxi__6____.

My mother is a ___7____.

Our school is big and nice. And the _____8__ and the students work ____9___.

Please come to our school if you ___10____ time.



1. A. he B. late C. game D. same

2. A. yellow B. window C. brown D. row

3.A. Thursday B. work C. forget D. bird

4. A. child B. much C. watch D. machine

5. A. begins B. makes C. buys D. lees


1.--Thank you very much for the present. --__________.

A. You’re welcome. B. You are all right. C. Oh, dear. D. Thanks.

2. –Does his uncle he a daughter? --______/

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he does. D. No, he don’t.

3. Jim’s mother ______ cakes in the room now.

A. is making B. are making C. making D. makes

4. Is Mrs Jackson an English teacher or a Chinese teacher?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. An English teacher. D. No, she doesn’t.

5. We teach ______ English. They teach_______ Chinese.

A. our, them B. us, their C. ours, theirs D. them us

6. --____________? –

He is a worker.

A. What is he like? B. What is he?

C. How is he? D. Who is she?

7. Can you _____ it in English?

A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell

8. We usually go to school _____ 7:3o ____ the morning.

A. in, at B. on, in C. at, in D. at, on

9.There isn’t ______ milk ____ tea in the bottle.

A. any, or B. some. or C. any, and D. some, and

10. His father goes to work _______.

A. by a bike B. by his bike C. by bike D. ride a bike

11. There is _____ “s ” in the word “news” .

A. a B. an C. the D. /

12. Li Ping _______ lunch at school.

A. hasn’t B. hen’t C. don’t he D. doesn’t he

13. --________ is the meat?—It’s 10 yuan a kilo.

A. When B. How many C. How much D. Which

14. ---______________? –Yes, please. I want some eggs.

A. How are you? B. How many are there?

C. Can I help you ? D. Can I he a look?

15. Is the door of the classroom _____ or ______?

A. open, close B. open, closed C. opened, close D. opened, closed


One morning Mr and Mrs Brown go shopping in their ____1___. In the shop they see a lot of ____2___. Mrs Brown likes them very much. She ___3___ a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter __4__ a sweater for Mr Brown. ___5__ buys herself a blouse, too.

___6___ about twelve o’clock, they go home .But they lose their way. Mr Brown ___7__ over to an old man and asks,”___8____ am I? Please tell me.” The old man looks ____9___ him and the car.” You are in your car., sir,” he ____10____. 1. A. bus B. car C. train D. plane

2. A. food B. shoes C. hats D. clothes

3. A. buys B. sells C. makes D. borrows

4. A. but B. or C. so D. and

5. A. They B. He C. She D. Her

6. A. In B. For C. At D. On

7. A. lees B. drives C. flies D. swims

8. A. Where B. What C. How D. Who

9.A. after B. at C. likes D. for

10.A. reads B. listens C. sings D. answers


1)、阅读,判断正(√) 误(╳)。

I he two new classmates this year. One is from Canada, and the other is an American. The Canadian boy’s family name is Wilson, but he asks us to call him Will. He is short but he likes to play basketball. The American boy’s name is Billy, and we like to call him Bill. He is tall and we often play football with him. We like Bill and Will. We help them with Chinese and they teach us English.

1.Will is a Canadian.

2.Bill is from Canada, too.

3.Bill is short and he likes to play football.

4.Will is tall and he likes to play basketball

5.Bill and Will help us with English.


Ann lives in New York. Her father has a shop there and her mother is a doctor. She is seven years old and begins to go to school this autumn. It’s a little far from the shop and her father drives a car too take her to school every day. So she is never late for class and her teachers like her. It is Monday today. Miss Green is teaching them to count from one to ten. Ann is studying hard, and soon she can count them. Miss Green is hy and asks, “How many people are there in your family, Ann?” Ann stands up and says, “Two, Miss Green.” “Who are they? ” “My father and my mother.” “Oh?” Miss Green is surprised(惊奇的), she says. “There are three people in your family. ” “Bur now I am not at home. I’m at school, you know. ”

1.Is Ann an English girl or an American girl?

A.She is an English girl. B. She is an American girl.

C. She is an English teacher. D. She is an American teacher.

2.What grade is Ann in?

A. She is in Grade Three. B. She is in Grade Two.

C. She is in Grade One. D. She is not a student.

3.How does Ann go to school every day?

A. By car. B. By bike. C. By bus. D. On foot.

4.Why is Miss Green hy?

A. Ann is late for class. B. Ann studies Chinese.

C. Ann can count from one to ten. D. The children are listening to her.

5.How many people are there in Ann’s family?

A. There are four. B. There aren’t three.

C.There are two. D. There are three.


1.Li Lei ______(study) in No. 2 Middle School.

2._______ (be) there any bread on the table?

3.It’s time for us ______ (he) a break.

4.You can buy all _____ (kind) of food in the supermarket.

5.Are teachers in your school _______ (friend)?

6.Give _____ (she ) a piece of paper, please.

7.Lucy likes _______ (fly) kites.

8.Tom __________ (not come) from America. He’s English.

9.Look! They ___________ (jump) now.

10.What time______ she ______(do) morning exercises?.


(It’s Friday evening. HuYing and Mr Baker are talking at a party.):

HuYing : Good ___1___.My name is Hu Ying.

Mr Baker: My name is Bill Baker. Nice to meet you.

HuYing : Nice to meet you, too. ___2____ do you work?

Mr Baker: I work in a middle school in Chengdu. I’m a teacher.

HuYing : ___3___ do you teach?

Mr Baker: I teach English and music.

HuYing : Music? You can sing very ___4___, I think.

Mr Baker: Yes, that’s __5_____.

HuYing : Do you like working in Chengdu?

Mr Baker: Yes, very __6____. I like the people and the food here.

HuYing : But Sichuan food is very hot.

Mr Baker: Yes, I __7____ hot food. Well, what do you __8_____?

HuYing : I’m a policeman.

Mr Baker: You’re a policeman? It’s hard __9____ believe(相信).

HuYing : Well, nice meeting you, Mr Baker.

Mr Baker: Yeah. Very nice ____10___ to you.


1.--Who’s book is this? –It’s mine.


2. They’re listening the radio now.


3. Kate likes do housework very much.


4. Don’t worry. We he little time.


5. These books are yours. Put it away, please.


6. There are two glass of water on the table.


7. The children singing over there, under the tree.


8. One of my English friend can speak Chinese well.


9. Would you like he some tea?


10. I think I c

an’t mend the broken kite.



1. is, here, today, everyone, (?) ___________________________________

2. full, of, les, the, basket, is,(.) ____________________________________

3. after, look, we, must, things, our, (.)_________________________________

4. it’s, hey, but, bag, that, small, is, (.)______________________________

5. the, woman, in. is, red, dress, a, (.)________________________________

6. can, think, I, her, help, I, (.)___________________________________

7. can’t, they, see, any, books, on, desk, the, (.) ________________________

8. he, you, do, a, kite, (?) ________________________________

9. something, you, to, would, like, eat, (?) ______________________________

10. many, oranges, how, there, are, in, the, bag,(?) _________________________



 Zhang:Excuse me,how do we get to the People’s Park ?

 Man: You can go there by the No.5 bus ,or you can go on foot.

 Zhang: How do we go on foot ?

 Man: It’s easy. Turn left at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building.

 John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng!

 Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop!

 John: That’s right. We he to wait.

 Zhang: Now it’s green. Let’s go!

 (1) John and Zhang Peng can’t go to the park by the No.5 bus.( )

 (2) John and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot.( )

 (3) The People’s Park is near the traffic lights.( )

 (4) John wants to go at a red light. ( )

 (5) Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. ( )


 一、1、iy 2、xo 3、umv 4、cti 5、vsfg

 二、1、My home is near.

 2、Wait at a yellow light.

 3、I go to Canada by plane.

 4、You must know the traffic rules.

 5、A:How do you go to the post office?

 B:By bus.

 三、T: How do you go to school, Amy?

 A: I usually go to school on foot, because my home is near.

 T: What about you, Mike?

 M: My home is near, too. So I usually go to school by bike.

 T: That’s fine. How do you go to school, Sally?

 S: I go to school by car, because my father has a car.

 T: What about you, Zhang Peng?

 Zhang: I go to school by bus, because it’s cheap.

 T: Do you go to school by bus too, Peter?

 P: No, I don’t go to school by bus 。I go to school by subway, because it’s fast.






 一、1、d f 2、N 3、u w 4、I 5、s u

 二、1、S 2、D 3、S 4、D

 三、1、A 2、A 3、B 4、B


 五、bike on foot green wait




小学六年级上册英语第一单元试卷及答案 篇2






 ( ) 1 A. strong B. stronger C. longer

 ( ) 2. A. taller B. shorter C. smaller

 ( ) 3.A. hot B. short C. shorter

 ( ) 4. A. 156cm B. 165cm C. 155cm

 ( ) 5. A. hy B. healthy C. hey


 1. 2.

 A B A. B

 3. 4.

 A B A B


 ( )1.A. Bai Ling is two years older than Amy.

 B. Amy is two years older than Bai Ling.

 ( )2.A. I‘m heier than Zhang Peng.

 B. I’m not heier than Zhang Peng.

 ( )3.A. My bedroom is 15 square meters.

 B. My bedroom is 13 square meters.

 ( )4. A. Lucy‘s sister is 5cm taller than Sarah’s sister.

 B. Lucy‘s sister is 5cm shorter than Sarah’s sister.

 ( )5.A. My pencil is 1cm longer than yours.

 B. My pencil is 2cm longer than yours.



 1.ce 2. HJ 3.xz

 4. tv 5. jl 6. EG

 II. 根据,选择正确的单词。(共4小题,计4分)[

 1.A.tall B.long 2.A.strong B.short

 3.A. thin B.long 4. A.biger B.bigger


 ( )1. A.dog B. fish C.le D.bird

 ( )2. A.short B.two C. eleven D. ten

 ( )3. A.taller B.shorter C.stronger D.writer

 ( )4. A.big B.hey C.take D.long

 ( )5. A. singer B.thinner C.worker D.doctor


 1.It‘s (cold/hot) today. You can wear your shorts.

 2. (Wait/Stop) at a red light.

 3.How ( tall/taller) is he?

 4.My eyes are (bigger/biger) than yours.

 5.How (hey/height) are you? I’m 38 kg.


 1.你想知道别人有多高,你应该怎么说? ( )

 A. How tall are you? B.How long are you? C. How high are you?

 2.你想知知道别人有多重,你应该怎么说? ( )

 A.How high are you? B.How old are you? C.How hey are you?

 3.你想知道别人多大了,你应该怎么说? ( )

 A.How old are you? B.How long are you? C. How tall are you?

 4.你想知道这个东西的价格,你应该怎么问? ( )

 A. How many are there in your family?

 B. How much is it? C. How are you?

 5.----Where are you going? ---- . ( )

 A.By bus B.The museum C.At the 4 o‘clock

 6.----How tall are you?----I’m . ( )

 A.149 cm tall B.fine,too C.13years old

 7.Can I speak to Miss Li ,please?----- . ( )

 A. Can‘t B.Hold on, please. C.She is listening to music.

 8.The monkey’s tail is 36 . . ( )

 A.long B.small C.old

 9.He is 12 years . ( )

 A.tall B.old C.long

 10.The yellow dog is than the black dog. ( )

 A.thiner B.thin C.thinner


 1. How long is Changjiang River? A. Thirty yuan.

 2. How tall are you? B.I‘m 158cm tall.

 3. How high is that mountain? C.Over 1000 kilometers high.

 4. How old are you? D. It’s about 6300 kilometers long.

 5. How much is your T-shirt? E. I‘m 12.


 1. you tall how are ( ? )

 2. 155 cm is tall Amy ( . )

 3. than is taller he his brother ( . )

 4. than older am you I ( . )

 5. tail is its longer( . )


 Nancy is reading an e-mail from her American friend Jack. She is very hy to get the e-mail. Jack writes about his school and his weekend. Jack’s school is not very big but it‘s beautiful. There are two buildings, two gardens and a playground. Their classrooms are big and clean. Jack likes his school very much

 Jack doesn’t go to school at the weekend. He often gets up at six on Saturday and Sunday. He runs in the park for half an hour. Then he eats his breakfast. At eight, he begins to do his homework.. He has lunch with his family at home. In the afternoon, he helps his mother do housework. Sometimes he plays computer games with his classmates on the Internet. In the evening, he listens to music or reads books. He really has a good time at the weekend.

 ( )1.Jack is an American boy.

 ( ) 2.Jack‘s school is big and beautiful.

 ( ) 3.Jack doesn’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays.

 ( ) 4. He does his homework in the evening.

 ( ) 5. He often plays computer games with his classmates on the Internet.




 1.cmn 2. CYU3. GAI4.ioe5. VHF6.hbr


 1.Stronger 2. smalle 3.short 4.165cm 5.healthy


 1.How old is she ? She is 13.

 2.How tall is he ? He is 164.

 3.How hey is he ?He is 43 kg.

 4. A:How old are you?

 B:I‘ m 12. What about you?[

 A: I’m 13.I‘m older than you.


 1. Bai Ling is eleven years old. Amy is thir years old.

 2. - I’m 45kg. How hey are you, Zhang Peng?

 - I‘m 48kg.

 3. - How large is your bedroom?

 - It’s 15 square meters.

 4. Lucy‘s sister is 160cm,and Sarah’s sister is 165cm.

 5. My pencil is 10cm., and yours is 8cm.


 一、 听力

 I.1.CMN 2 CYU 3 GAI 4 IOE 5 VHF 6 HBR

 II .1. B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.B

 III.1. B 2.A 3.A 4.B

 IV 1. B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B





 IV. hot Wait tall bigger hey

 V.1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C



 VIII1.√ 2.ⅹ 3.√ 4.ⅹ 5.ⅹ

以下是 考 网为大家整理的关于小学三年级英语期末试卷听力部分的文章,供大家学习参考!




 1. Hi, Amy. Let‘s fly the kite.

 2. This is a woman.

 3. Look, this is my brother.

 4. Show me ABC.

 5. Spell the word name, N A M E, name.

 二、根据录音内容,判断下面的是否与录音内容相符,符的在下面的括号里打 “√”,不符的打“×”。

 1. Look, this is my grandpa.

 2. Hi, Mr. Wang! Hi!

 3. CDE, draw a tree.

 4. ABC, look and see.

 5. Hi, I’m Mike, I‘m from Canada.

 6. AAA, say OK.

 7. DDD, drink some tea.

 8. Chen Jie, Let’s watch TV.

 9. How many crayons do you he, John?

 I he 17.

 10. How many kites can you see?

 I can see 10.


 1. How many jeeps can you see?

 I can see 12.

 2. How many elephants can you see?

 I can see 13.

 3. I can see 15 ants on the desk.

 4. How many hamburgers do you he? 5.

 5. How many kangaroos can you see?

 I can see 20.


 1. Hi, I‘m Bai Ling. I’m from China.

 2. ABC, look and see.

 3. Hi, I‘m Mickey. I’m from America.

 4. This is the teacher, and this is the student.

 5. Who‘s that woman? She’s my mother.

 6. EFG, he a seat.

 7. EFGHI, say “goodbye”.

 8. Go to school.

 9. Show me ten.

 10. ABCDE, read after me.


 mouse key jump hamburger ant

 goose Coke ice duck father


 1. Colour the kite yellow.

 2. Colour the ruler pink.

 3. Colour the fish blue.

 4. Colour the bag red.

 5. Colour the book purple.


 一、A B A B A

 二、X√√XX √X√XX

 三、12 13 15 5 20

 四、10 2 6 9 3 1 7 8 5 4